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Wills -
Thoralby Transcripts

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Henry Gristhwaiteof Thoralby, 1579

Transcript of Will of Henry Gristhwaite, provided by Ian Spensley:

In the name of god amen the xxiijth daie of May Ano Dmi 1620 I Henry Gristhwaite of Thoralby in the County of York


yeoman Sick in body but of perfect minde and memory praise be therefore given unto almighty god knowing the


uncertain state of this lieffe hosoever wee are to dy and yett of the tyme and place of our dyinge altogeather uncertain,


doe therefore make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. That is to saie first I


commen my soule into the hands of almighty god my creator, saviour and redeemer assuredly trusting to be saved


onelie by the precious death and bloodshedding of my lord and saviour Jhesus Christ and not otherwise. Item I will my


body to be buried in the parishe church of Ayskarth wthall duetyes to be done for the same as the lawe requieth. Item


whereas Charles Dowson xpofer Dowson and John Place of Cunstable Burton in the County of Yorke yeomen do stand


jointly and severally bound unto me by obligation in the summe of threescore poundes for the payment of Thirty


poundes of lawfull money of England to such person or persons and at such tyme and tymes after my death as I shall


appoint eyther by my last will and testament or by any other word or wrytinge in my lieffe tyme, Therefore my will is


that the said Thirty poundes shalbe paid by the said Charles Dowson xpofer Dowson and John Place theire heires


executors or administrators in manner and forme followinge vizt first to Adam Midleham of Gill esquire forty shillings


thereof which I freely give and bequeath unto him to be paid within one yere next after the day of my decease.

Item to John Gristhwaite my naturall brother six poundes thereof wch I give and bequeath unto him to be paid

within one yere next after the day of my decease. Item to Margarett and Jane the daughters of Thomas Peareson

late of Thoralby aforesaid deceased eyther of them forty shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto theme to

be paid allso within one yere next after the day of my decease. Item to the children of Thomas Gristhwaite late

of Skeeby deceased every one of theme tenne shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto theme to be paid

wthin one yere next after the daie of my decease. Item to Richard Gristhwaite of Burgh thirty shillings thereof

wch I give and bequeath unto him to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to John Gristhwaite of

Hackfoorth and foure of his children every one of them five shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto them

to be paid alsoe wthin one yere next after the daie of my decease. Item to James Gristhwaite of Skeeby and his

sister eyther of theme five shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto theame to be paid wthin one yere next

after the day of my decease. Item to Edward Hogg of Thoralby aforesaid forty shillings thereof wch I give and

bequeath towards the building of litleborne bridge to be paid at such tyme as the said bridge shall be in


buildingItem to Marmaduke Dowson sonne of the said Charles Dowson forty shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath

unto him to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to every one that I or my wieff are godfather or

godmother unto twelve pence thereof amounting to thirty shillings wch I give and bequeath unto them to be paid

wthin on yere next after my decease. Item to Francis Wray the wieffe of James Wray of Ayskarth six shillings

eight pence thereof wch I give and bequeath unto her to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to

Margarett Slater my servant twenty shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto her to be paid wthin one yere

next after my decease. Item to the said James Wraie three shillings and foure pence thereof wch I give and

bequeath unto him to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to Helen Calvert daughter of Brian

Calvert of Thoralby aforesaid three shillings and foure pence thereof wch I give and bequeath unto her to be

paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to the poore people of the towne of Brunton tenne shillings

thereof wch I give and bequeath unto them to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to the poore

people of the towne of Bellerby tenn shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto them to be paid wthin one

yere next after my decease. Item to the poore people of the towne of Cunstable Burton aforesaid five shillings

thereof wch I give and bequeath unto them to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to the poore

people of the towne of the towne of Thoralby aforesaid twenty five shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath

unto them to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to the poore people of the towne of Burton in

Bishopdale five shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath unto them to be paid wthin one yere next after my

decease. Item to the poore people of the towne of Newbigging five shillings thereof wch I give and bequeath

unto them to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease. Item to the poore people of the towne of Ayskarth

five shillings thereof wch I doe give and bequeath unto them to be paid wthin one yere next after my decease.

Item I give and bequeath unto the said xpofer Dowson one Cupboarde noew standing in mmy house. The

residue of all and singuler my goodes chattels debts and howsehold stuffe (my debts paid my funerall

diiscahrged and this my present testament in all things performed) I give and bequeath unto the said John

Gristhwaite my said Brother, And I make the said Richard Gristhwaite and Charles Dowson executor of this my

last will and testament witnesses hereof James Wray and Bryan Calvert.

Probate xxvij June 1620

A true and perfect Inventory of all and singuler the goodes chattels and creditts wch late were and did

appertaine unto Henry Gristhwaite late of Thoralby in the County of York yeoman deceased praysed by these foure


men vizt Edward Hogg, William Hogg, William Sadler & John Sadler the sixt daie of June 1620 ut sequitar

In primis his apparel xxs [20s.]

Item money in his purse xliiijs [19s.]

Item three mares one foale and one filly stagg price vjli [£6]

Item nyne ewes six hogge sheepe and seven lambes price iiijli [£4]

Item foure whie stirkes price iijli vjs viijd [£3 6s. 8d.]

Item five milch kine and two baytinge calves price xli xs [£10 10s.]

Item one gilt swine price xijs [12s.]

Item in howshold stuffe vjli xiijs iiijd [£6 13s. 4d.]

Item in taken ground and cattell gaits in the side pasture iiijli vjs viijd [£4 6s. 8d.]

Item one hackury sadle two girths and two stirrups ijs iiijd [2s. 4d.]

Item two webbes of cloth thone lynon and thither harden price xxs [20s.]

Summa bonorum xxxixli xvs [Sum of goods £39 15s.]

Debts owing to the testator

By Henry Wray of Bishoppdale iiijli

Debts owing by the testator

To xpofer Hobson xs [10s.]

In funerall expences iiijli xi [£4 12s.]

For a digital copy of the will see below, courtesy of: Yorkshire, England, Probate Records, 1521-1858 - Ancestry.


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