(Courtesy of the Local Studies Collection, Northallerton Library)
"AYSGARTH is a parish, township, village and the head of a union, pleasantly situated on the south of the river Ure, or Yore, in Wensleydale, with a station 1 mile north-east on the Northallerton and Hawes Branch of the North Eastern railway, 8¾ miles west-south-west from Leyburn, 9 east from Hawes and 4 south-east from Askrigg; it is in the Richmond division of the Riding, wapentake and petty sessional division of Hang West, county court district of Leyburn, rural deanery of West Catterick, archdeaconry of Richmond and diocese of Ripon. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient stone building in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and south porch, and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing 6 bells: the elaborately-carved rood-loft and reading desk were brought from Jervaulx Abbey: the reredos of Caen stone, which is adorned with a representation of "The last Supper," after Leonardo da Vinci, was given some years ago by the daughters of the late H.T. Robinson, of Edgley and the Cliff, Leyburn: there is a brass eagle lectern and elegant brass coronæ, and several of the windows are stained: the whole church has been restored at a cost of £6,000, and affords 620 sittings. The registers date from about the year 1700. The living is a discharged vicarage, gross yearly value£192, including 38 acres of glebe, in the gift of Trinity College Cambridge, and held since 1873 by the Rev. Fenwick William Stow M.A. of that college, and surrogate. The tithes belong to Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here. A fair for sheep and cattle is held here on October 30th. ... The trustees of the late Henry Thomas Robinson esq. who are lords of the manor, ... The soil is very good; subsoil, limestone. The land is chiefly in pasture. The parish of Aysgarth is very extensive, containing the twelve townships of AYSGARTH, HIGH and LOW ABBOTSIDE, ASKRIGG, BAINBRIDGE, BISHOPDALE, BURTON-cum-WALDEN, CARPERBY-cum-THORESBY, NEWBIGGIN, THORALBY, THORNTON RUST and HAWES; it covers an area of 81,012 acres, a great part of which consists of high moorland. ... and the area 1,173 acres; rateable value £2,050. ...
(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Yorks added. ...
Railway Station, Frederick Kitching, station master.
Aysgarth poor law union comprises the following twelve townships, viz: - High Abbotside, Low Abbotside, Askrigg, Aysgarth, Bainbridge, Bishopdale, Burton-cum-Walden, Carperby-cum-Thoresby, Hawes, Newbiggin, Thoralby and Thornton Rust. The area of the union is 81,012 acres, rateable value in 1892 £51,736; the population in 1891 was 4,746.
Board day monday, fortnightly, at the Board room, Bainbridge, 2 p.m.
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, W.E.M. Winn, Askrigg.
Treasurer, Edward Paul Gibson, Hawes. Collector to the Guardians, Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Union, E. Chapman, Worton.(p.25)
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Askrigg district, Alfred Baker L.R.C.P.Edin. Askrigg; Hawes district, Thomas Jackson Grime M.D. Hawes.
Superintendent Registrar, W.E. M. Winn, Askrigg; deputy James Yelland, Askrigg.
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Askrigg sub-district, E. Chapman, Worton; deputy, Alex Thwaite Storey, Askrigg; Hawes sub-district, W. Shaw, Hawes.
Workhouse, Bainbridge, a building of stone, built in 1810, to hold 60 inmates: Rev. Christopher Whaley M.A. hon. chaplain; George Whitton, master; Alfred Baker L.R.C.P. Edin. medical officer; Mrs. Elizabeth Whitton, matron.
Meets at the Board Room, Bainbridge, monthly on Monday. Clerk, W.E.M. Winn, Askrigg Treasurer, Edward Paul Gibson, Hawes Medical Officer of Health, Alfd. Baker L.R.C.P. Edin. Aysgarth Inspector of Nuisances, W.L. Metcalfe, Bainbridge.
Meets at the Board Room, Bainbridge, monthly on monday. Clerk, W.E.M. Winn, Askrigg Attendance Officer, W.L. Metcalfe, Bainbridge Inquiry Officer, Eleazar Chapman, Worton. (25)
Bishopdale extends in a southerly direction from 3 to 6 miles from Aysgarth, and consists only of a few scattered farm-houses. Lead is found in small quantities in this township. The Trustees of the late Henry Thomas Robinson esq., are lords of the manor. The principal landowners are John William Lodge esq. William Purchas esq. and the representatives of the late Rev. John Metcalfe. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, limestone and gravel; the chief crop is hay. The population in 1891 was 91, and the area is 3,851 acres; rateable value, £1,909. Letters arrive from Aysgarth Station R.S.O. arrive at 8.30 a.m.
School (mixed & infants), built in 1880, for 50 children; average attendance, 21; Miss Fanny Barnes, mistress (p.26).
Thoralby is pleasantly situated in Bishopdale 2 miles south east from Aysgarth station and 10 miles south-east-by-east from Hawes. There are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels and a reading-room and library erected in 1887. Lead is obtained in small quantities. Here also is a fine waterfall called the "Silver Chain Force". The trustees of the late H.T. Robinson esq. are Lords of the Manor. The principal landowners are William Purchas esq., John William Lodge esq., Robert Sadler esq., Septimus Sadler esq. and the trustees of the late H.T. Robinson esq. The acreage is 2, 581; rateable value of £2,402; the population in 1891 was 202. Post Office - Mrs. Anne Jane Webster, postmistress. Letters arrive from Aysgarth Station R.S.O. at 7 am; dispatches at 4.30 pm. The nearest money order office is at Aysgarth; the nearest telegraph office at Aysgarth station.
POST OFFICE. - Mrs. Anne Jane Webster, postmistress.
Letters arrive from Aysgarth Station R.S.O. at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m.
The nearest money order office is at Aysgarth station.
The children attend the school at Newbiggin. (p.26)
Lodge John William
Close John, farmer, Ribba hall
Dent William, farmer, West New houses
Fawcett Rowland & Sons, farmers, Longridge
Foster William, farmer, Myres garth
Fryer George, farmer, New House gill
Heseltine Jeffrey, farmer, Dale foot
Heseltine William, farmer, Dale head
Lodge John William, farmer, The Rookery
Metcalfe William, farmer
Stamp Edward, farmer, Dale head
Webster Rbt. gamekpr. to J.W. Lodge esq.
Wilcock Robert, farmer, Scarr top
Woodward William & James Henry,
farmers, Kidstones (p.27)
Burton-cum-Walden consists of the pleasant and well built village of WEST BURTON and the straggling hamlet of Walden, and is 1½ miles south from Aysgarth station. There are Congregational and Wesleyan Methodist chapels; and stone is obtained here. Fairs are held for cattle &c. on the 10th of March and 6th of May. Here is a very pretty waterfall. The trustees of the late Henry Thomas Robinson esq. are lords of the manor; the trustees of the late James Moody esq. and G.O. Wray esq. William Purchas esq. William Robinson King esq. James Clarkson Winn esq. J.P. and Major P. Costobadie, are the principal landowners. The soil is loam; sub-soil, limestone and gravel; the land is mostly pasture. The population of the township in 1891 was 425; and the acreage is 6,790; rateable value, £4,548.
Walden which consists of a few scattered farm-house, extends in a southerly direction from West Burton about 2 to 6 miles.
West Burton
Robinson Memorial Endowed School, erected in 1869, at the sole cost of the late H.T. Robinson esq. for 90 children; average attendance, 44; it was endowed by the late Mrs. Hudson, and is managed by a body of trustees; Alfred Joseph Weatherall, master.
Post and M.O.O.S.B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, West Burton. - William Lawson, sub-postmaster. Letters through Aysgarth Station R.S.O. at 7.00 a.m. & are dispatched at 4.25 p..m.; summer; no delivery or dispatch on sundays. The nearest telegraph office is at Aysgarth station.
Newbiggin is situated in Bishopdale, 2 miles south from Aysgarth station and 10 miles south-east from Hawes. The trustees of the late Thomas H. Robinson esq. are lords of the manor. The principal landowners are Robert Chapman esq. and John William Lodge esq. William Purchas esq. William Robinson King esq. and James Whaley Fryer esq. The acreage is 2,000; rateable value £1,537; the population in 1891 was 101.
Letters through Aysgarth Station R.S.O. arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 4.50 p.m.; sundays at 3 p.m.
School founded in 1748, for 70 children; average attendance 53;
John William Hill, master.
Brown James, tailor
Bushby Henry, farmer
Dent Richard Lord, farmer
Dinsdale John & Son, farmers
Dinsdale Francis Spence, sen. farmer
Dinsdale Francis Spence, jun. farmer
Fawcett Robert, farmer
Heseltine John, farmer
Heseltine Thos, farmer, East Lane ho
Lambert Matthew, grocer & farmer
Metcalfe Jermiah, farmer
Sayer John, jun. farmer
Thwaite John, farmer, West Lane ho
Thwaite Simon, Street Head P.H. & farmer
Webster Michael, Heifer inn & farmer
(Marked thus * should be addressed
Leyburn, R.S.O.)
Bain George Washington
Harrison Capt. W.B.
Hewgill Mrs
*Hutton Mrs. Sorrel Syke hall
Johnson Edward Banks
Johnson Richard
Johnson Thomas Christr. M.B. C.M.
*King Thomas Firbank, Edgley
King William Robinson, jun
Plews Miss
Purchas William, Flanders hall
Pybus John
*Randell William, Hest holme
Sadler Septimus
Sunter Mrs
Winn Jas. Clarkson J.P. The Grange
Buratt John, farmer
Bushby William & John, saddlers
Clark Elijah, tailor & reporter
Capstick Robert Dinsdale, farmer
Dinsdale John, farmer
Fawcett William, farmer
Graham Edward, farmer
Hall Thomas, farmer
Hammil Thomas, farmer
*Hammond George, farmer Hest holme
Hammond William, stone mason
Hemsley William, cooper
Hemsley William, joiner
Irving Wm. shopkeeper & wheelwright
Johnson Edward Banks, solicitor
Johnson Thomas Christopher M.B. C.M. surgeon
King William Robinson, jun. solicitor
*King Thomas Firbank, land agent & surveyor, Edgley
Knowles Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker
Lambert Thos. farmer
Lancaster Charles, blacksmith
Lawson Wm. & Son, grocers & post office &c.
Lawson Margaret (Mrs.), teacher of sewing
Metcalfe George, stone mason
Metcalfe James, butcher & farmer
Metcalfe John, butcher & farmer
Metcalfe Leonard, farmer
Metcalfe William, farmer
*Metcalfe William, farmer, joiner & gamekeeper to Capt. Harrison
Mudd Mary (Mrs.), dress maker
Pickard Joseph, Fox & Hounds P.H. & shpkr
Pratt Wm. & Son, druggist & grocers
Rider Francis Henry, farmer
Robinson George Henry, farmer
Sayer Joseph, farmer
*Smithson George, farmer
Thompson William, farmer
Thwaite Margaret (Mrs.), cowkeeper
Weatheral Alfred Jsph. school master
White Elizth. Jane (Mrs.), Black Bull inn
Bell John, farmer
Craddock Thomas, farmer
Dinsdale Stephen, farmer & gamekeeper to J.C. Winn
Dixon Edmun, farmer
Furnish John, farmer
Guy Richard, farmer
Johnson Charles, farmer
Metcalfe John, farmer
Metcalfe Richard, farmer
Pagnall William, farmer
Routh Thomas, farmer
Scott Jane (Mrs.), farmer
Spence Bernard, farmer
Spence John, farmer
Webster Joseph, farmer
Webster Robert, farmer
Dent Mrs. Heaning hall
Nicholson Mrs
Sadler Miss, High Green house
Sadler Mrs, Town Head
Sayer John
Coates Mary (Mrs), farmer
Coates William, farmer
Dent Leonard, farmer, Gale ing
Dinsdale Thomas, tailor & farmer
Fawcett James, farmer, Littleburn
Fawcett John (Mrs), farmer
Furnish Anne (Mrs), farmer
Furnish Francis, farmer
Haw James Lamb, boot & shoe maker
Hemsley John, farmer
Heseltine Matthew, farmer, Swine cote
Heseltine Matthew, George inn
Heseltine Robert, farmer
Jaques Leonard, farmer & landowner, Warnford cottage
Johnson James, farmer, Heaning
Lambert Francis, farmer
Metcalfe Thomas, farmer, Cote bottom Metcalfe William, farmer, Blind Syke Nicholson Ellen (Mrs), shopkeeper
Routh Richard, farmer
Sarginson John, farmer
Sayer Fras. & Thos.,corn millers (water)
Scott Thomas & John, farmers, Barker Thwaite Thomas, farmer
Thwaite Richard, farmer, How Syke
Wall James, farmer
Watson Christopher, farmer
Webster Anne Jane (Mrs), shopkeer, Post of
Webster Septimus, farmer
Willis William & James, joiners
Willis Jane (Mrs), shopkeeper
Willis Matthew, blacksmith "