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(Courtesy of the Local Studies Collection, Northallerton Library)

"AYSGARTH is a parish, township and village, and polling place for the North Riding, pleasantly situated on the south side of the river Ure, or Yore, in Wensleydale, 8¼ miles west-south from Leyburn, 9 east from Hawes, and 4 south-east from Askrigg. It is in the wapentake of Hang West, Aysgarth union, county court district of Leyburn, rural deanery of Catterick, Richmond archdeaconry, Ripon dioceses, York province. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient stone building, in the Perpendicular and Gothic styles, having a square embattled tower containing 6 bells: the interior consist of naïve, aisles, and chancel: in this church is an elaborately carved roof-loft brought from Jervaulx Abbey: the whole church has recently been well restored, at a cost of about £6,000. The register dates from about the year 1700. The living is a discharged vicarage yearly value £137, in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge, and held by the Rev. John Winn, M.A., of St. John’s College, Cambridge. There is a National school, which was built by subscription. The Wesleyan Methodists and Society of Friends have places of worship here. Aysgarth poor law union comprises the following twelve townships, viz.: - Askrigg, Aysgarth, Bainbridge, Bishopdale, Burton-cum-Walden, Carperby-cum-Thoresby, High Abbotside, Low Abbotside, Newbiggin, Thoralby and Thornton Rust; and the Askrigg highway district comprises the same twelve townships. A fair for sheep and cattle is held here on October 30th. Knit hosiery is made here.  ... Henry Thomas Robinson, esq. who is (P.96) lord of the manor, ... The soil is very good; subsoil, limestone. The chief crops are grass. The parish of Aysgarth is very extensive, containing the twelve townships of AYSGARTH, HIGH and LOW ABBOTSIDE, ASKRIGG, BAINBRIDGE, BISHOPDALE, BURTON-cum-WALDEN, CARPERBY-cum-THORESBY, NEWBIGGIN, THORALBY, THORNTON RUST, and HAWES: it covers an area of 81,012 acres, a great part of which is high moorland. The population of the whole parish in 1871 was 5,472. ... the area 1,174 acres; rateable value, £1,583.  … STATION, POST & TELEGRAPH OFFICE. ... Railway station, William Bell, station master.



Aysgarth poor law union comprises the following twelve townships. vi. : Askrigg, Aysgarth, Bainbridge, Bishopdale, Burton-cum-Walden, Carperby-cum-Thoresby, Hawes, High Abbotside, Low Abbotside, Newbiggin, Thoralby,  and Thornton Rust; and the Askrigg highway district comprises the same twelve townships.


Board day, monday, fortnightly.


Clerk, W.E.M. Winn

Assistant Overseer, G. Bell

Collector, Relieving Officer & Vaccinations Officer, E. Chapman

Medical Officer, Hawes district, Chas. H. Richardson, A. Baker, for Aysgarth

Superintendent Registrar, George Winn

Registers of Marriages, Hawes sub-district, W. Shaw; for Askrigg, E. Chapman

Register of Births & Deaths, Hawes, W. Shaw; Askrigg, E. Chapman

Workhouse, George Whitton, master; A. Baker, surgeon; Mrs. Elizabeth Whitton. matron.



Clerk, W.E.M. Winn

Medical Officer, A. Baker

Inspector of Nuisances, E. Chapman



Bishopdale extends in southerly direction from 3 to 6 miles from Aysgarth; it consists of a few scattered farmhouses, and is situated in the dale of its name. Lead is found in small quantities in this township. Henry Thomas Robinson, esq., is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Robert Lodge, esq. William Purchas, esq. and the representatives of the late Rev. John Metcalfe. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, limestone and gravel; the chief crops, grass. The population in 1871 was 80, and the area is 4,805 acres; rateable value, £2382. (p.97)




















Burton-cum-Walden consists of the pleasant and well-built village of WEST BURTON and the straggling hamlet of Walden, and is situated in Bishopdale,1½ miles south-east from Aysgarth station. There are Congregational and Wesleyan Methodist chapels; and Society of Friends have a meeting house. Lead and stone are obtained here. Fairs are held for cattle &c. on the 10th of March and 6th of May. Here is a very pretty waterfall. Henry Thomas Robinson esq. is lord of the manor; G.O. Wray esq. William Purchas esq. George Winn esq. Major P. James Costobadie, T.F.R. Hammond esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is loam; sub-soil, limestone and gravel; the land is mostly pasture. The population of the township in 1871 was 420; and the acreage is 6,790; rateable value, £4,352.

Walden which consists of a few scattered farm-house, extends in a southerly direction from West Burton about 2 to 5 miles. 

West Burton

A school was was erected here in 1869 on the National system, and called the Robinson Memorial School, and was built entirely at the expense H.T. Robinson esq., lord of the manor, and endowed by the late Mrs. Hudson; Alfred Joseph Weatherall, master.

POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAOH OFFICE & Savings Bank, West Burton. - William Lawson, receiver. Letters arrive from Bedale at 10.15 a.m. by mail cart 9.50 a.m. & are dispatched at 4.15 p..m.; & are dispatched at 4.14 pm. sunday by mail cart. (p.97)



















































Newbiggin is situated in Bishopdale, 2 miles south from Aysgarth station and 10 miles south-east from Hawes. Thomas H. Robinson, esq. is lord of the manor. Here is a small school, partly free, founded in 1748. The principal landowners are John Chapman, esq. Robert Lodge. esq. Mr J. Fryer. The acreage is 2,000; rateable value, £1,603; the population in 1871 was 113.


School, David Bond, master. (p.97)





















Thoralby is pleasantly situated in Bishopdale, 1 mile south from Aysgarth station and 10 south-east-by-east from Hawes. The Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel here. Lead is obtained in small quantities. There is a fine waterfall, called the Silver Chain Force. H.T. Robinson, esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are William Purchas, esq. the representatives of the late John Sadler, esq. and H.T. Robinson, esq. The acreage is 2,840; rateable value, £2,453; the population in 1871 was 285.


POST OFFICE. – Thomas Nicholson, postmaster. Letters arrive from Bedale, viâ West Witton, at 11 a.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.; dispatched at 4 p.m.; Sunday 3 p.m. The nearest money order offices are at Askrigg & West Burton. (p.97)

Broderick Thomas, farmer

Bushby William, farmer

Dent William, farmer

Dixon Matthias, farmer

Fawcett Cowley, farmer

Hammil John, farmer

Heseltine Rachel (Miss), farmer

Johnson John, farmer

Lodge Robert, farmer


Metcalfe James, farmer

Metcalfe John, farmer

Metcalfe Robert, farmer

Mudd James, farmer

Routh Richard, farmer

Scott Thomas, farmer

Tennant William, farmer

Thwiate John, farmer



Dixon Mrs.

Fryer Thomas

Fryer William

Pickard Mrs.



Dent George, farmer & auctioneer

Dinsdale John, farmer

Dinsdale John, joiner & farmer

Duckett John, farmer




Fryer Thomas, farmer

Fryer William, farmer

Heseltine Geo. Heifer inn, & farmer

Heseltine John & Matthew, farmers

Lambert Matthew, tailor

Mortimor Dan, farmer

Sayer Felix, farmer

Thwaite Simon, Street Head, & farmer

Yeoman Christopher, farmer


Hammond Mrs George

Hammond Thomas Francis Rider

Hutton Mrs

Purchas Misses

Purchas William

Pybus John

Smith William

Spenceley Mrs

Thwaite John

Winn James Clarkson, Grange


Bollands Edward, farmer

Brown Matthew, farmer

Capstick Robert, farmer

Chapman John, farmer

Coates George, farmer

Drummond Maru (Mrs.), farmer

Drummond Joseph, shoe maker

Ewbank John, farmer

Fawcett William, farmer

Hammond This, Fras. Rider, solicitor

Hammond William, stone mason

Hammond William, jun., stone mason

Hemsley William, cooper

Heseltine Francis, farmer

Irving Wm. shopkeeper & wheelwright

Johnson Richard, farmer & wheelwright

Lawson Wm. & Son, grocers & post off

Lawson William, farmer

Lee John, Temperance hotel

Matson Christopher, farmer

Matson John, tailor

Metcalfe George, stone mason

Metcalfe James, butcher & farmer

Metcalfe John, farmer

Metcalfe William, farmer

Mudd Mary (Mrs.), dress maker

Nicholson Elizbth. (Mrs.), Black Bull

Peacock Christopher, joiner

Pickard Joseph, Fox & Hounds 

Pratt Robert, shoe maker

Pratt William, solicitor

Rider James, farmer

Rider Jame (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Robson John, corn miller

Slee Jonas, painter & glazier

Smith John, farmer

Smithson Joseph, farmer

Spensley James, grocer & draper

Swainson James, blacksmith

Thompson Wm. carpenter &             wheelwright   

Thompson Wiliam, farmer 

Thwaite James, farmer

Thwaite Matthew, farmer

Thwaite Margaret (Mrs.), cowkeeper



Baines James, farmer

Bell John, farmer

Bentham Catherine (Mrs.), farmer

Chapman Joseph, farmer

Dent James, farmer

Fawcett William, farmer

Richardson James, farmer

Routh Thomas, farmer

Spence Bernard, farmer

Spence William, farmer

Thwaite John, farmer

Webster Michael, farmer


Calvert Miss

Jaques Leonard, Warmforth cottage [Warnford cottage]

Nicholson Miss

Sadler Mrs

Sadler Mrs

Wray George Octavius



Coates Thomas, farmer

Dinsdale Thomas, tailor & draper

Fawcett Thomas & Robert, farmers

Fawcett James, Volunteer inn, & joiner

Fawcett Jane (Mrs.), farmer

Fawcett John, farmer

Fawcett Rowland, farmer

Furnish Francis, farmer

Hammell John, farmer

Hammond Christopher, farmer

Haw Thomas, shoe maker

Heseltine Alice (Mrs.), farmer

Heseltine Jeffrey, farmer

Heseltine Richd. George inn, & blcksmth



Heseltine Thomas, farmer

Heseltine William, farmer

Lambert Thomas, farmer

Mattison Margaret (Mrs.), farmer

Milner James, stone mason

Nicholson Thomas, farmer

Sadler Thomas, farmer

Sarginson John, farmer

Sayer Arthur, farmer

Sayer John, corn miller

Scott John, farmer

Scott Joseph, farmer

Scott Thomas, farmer

Tate James, farmer

Tennant Bernard, farmer

Thompson William, farmer

Thwaite James, farmer

Thwaite John, farmer

Thwaite Matthew, farmer

Webster Robert, shopkeeper

Willis Matthew, blacksmith

Wray George Octavius, barrister "



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