Timetables, 1951
Below are copies, courtesy of North Yorkshire County Record Office, of the Cross Lanes School Timetable in 1951:
The headteacher, Mrs D. Knifton, taught the full age-range 5-15 years by herself, in 1951 there were only 15 pupils, but when the number of pupils rose to 28, she desperately sort an additional teacher, or the removal of those taking their 11+ to another school in order for her to be able to teach to the best of her ability (see School Managers notes - 1956 - Apr).
Senior School Timetable (9-15 years) :
The school day (9 - 3.30) always commenced with Religious Instruction, followed by Physical Training, apart from Friday when the physical activity was Country Dancing. A break was then taken for 5-10 minutes for the children to drink their school milk. This was followed by Arithmetic and Play Time. The remainder of the morning until lunch time was mainly English. The afternoons included: English, Geography, History, Music, Library Books, Nature Study, R. Sc., Gardening/Needlework/Handwork. Afternoon Play Time, followed by English, Handwork, Story, Art, Hobbies and Games.
See a copy of the Senior Timetable for 1951 below.

Notes: Wireless programmes: 'Singing Together' Mon 11-11-20 a.m., 'Living in the Country' Wed 2-20 p.m., 'Junior English' Wed 2-40 - 3 p.m., 'Nature Study' Thurs. 2-0 - 2-15 p.m., 'English for Under Nines' 2-40 - 3-0 p.m., 'Religious Service' Fri 9-0 - 9-25 a.m., 'Let's Join In' Fri 2-0 - 2-40 p.m.
Handwork and Needlework have been arranged for Fridays as every fortnight the senior boys spend the whole day at Yorebridge Woodwork Centre. Milk is given out early as children leaving home early.

Infants Timetable (5-8 years) :
The school day (9 - 3.30) always commenced with Religious Instruction, followed by Physical Training, apart from Friday when the physical activity was Country Dancing. A break was then taken for 5-10 minutes for the children to drink their school milk. This was followed by Conversation and Number and Play Time. The remainder of the morning until lunch time was Music, Reading and Writing and Drama. 12-1 pm was dinner time and the children were provided with a hot meal from the school canteen. The afternoons included: Reading, Poetry, Word Building, Writing, Music, Library Books, Nature Study, Story, Art and Hand work. Afternoon Play Time, followed by Handwork, Story, Art, Hobbies and Games.
See a copy of the Infant Timetable for 1951 below.

Infants time Analysis:

How one teacher managed to deliver all this to a large group of pupils aged 5 - 15, and of mixed ability is quite remarkable!