Newspaper Extracts - Thoralby
Baldwin's London Weekly Journal – 31st March, 1821
March 20, at Thoralby, Yorkshire, aged 49, John Sadler, Esq. of Hall-Garth; whose family have for several generations been landed proprietors in that district, in the exercise of his profession as a solicitor. He was remarkable for terminating controversy by arbitration, thereby abridging the process of many a legal suit; and for his moderate charges to his clients, to some of whom his assistance was not seldom eleemosenary, qualities which will endear his memory in the neighbourhood of the place where he resided, he was a man of literature, and pleasant manners; the last of four brothers, three of whom died successively within a recent period; he has left a surviving sister [Jane Sadler (1776-1857)], to whose affectionate conduct and tender solicitudes, this gentleman was materially indebted for the consolation and happiness of a considerable portion of his existence.
Yorkshire Gazette – 8th September, 1821
PERSONS who have obtained GAME CERTIFI-
CATES for the Year 1821
... Lodge, R.A. Esq. Thoralby; ...
List (3) GAMEKEEPERS, being ASSESSED Servants at £1. 5s. each:
... Sadler, Abel, by Wm. Purchas, Esq. for Burton-cum-Walden, Thoralby, Aysgarth, Newbiggin and Bishopdale.
Leeds Mercury – 16th August, 1823
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. WM. TERRY, on Wednesday, the Twenty-seventh of August Inst. at Six o'Clock in the Evening, at the House of Mr. James Richardson, Black Bull Inn, West Burton - A desirable and compact GRAZING FARM, called ASHES, situates in Walden, near West Burton aforesaid, consisting of a Farm House, several good Barns, and about One Hundred and Two Acres of inclosed Lands, all within a Ring Fence, with valuable and extensive Common Right immediately adjoining the whole being very suitable for a Breeding, or Sheep Stock. Land-Tax redeemed. - Apply for further Particulars to Mr. J. Nicholson, Thoralby.
N.B. There is a Lime Kiln on the upper Part of the Premises, and within half a Mile of Coal, and the Pastures are very improved by Draining and Lime.
Durham County Advertiser – 13 September, 1823
... At Aysgarth, on Saturday last, James Taylor [Wray], sixth son of the late George Wray, Esq. of Thoralby, Yorkshire, to Sarah, daughter of Woodstock Winstanley, Esq. also of Wensleydale, in the county of York.
Yorkshire Gazette – 1st July, 1826
In Swaledale, Yorkshire.
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Leonard Holmes, Auctioneer, at Mrs. Yarker's, the King's Head Inn, in Richmond, on Saturday, the 8th Day of July, 1826, at 5 o'clock in the Evening, subject to the Conditions to be then produced:
A Moiety or half part of that valuable Lead Mine in Swaledale, called the SURRENDER MINE, lately belonging to Mrs. Chaytor, of Spennithorne, deceased, and now the Property of John Clervaux Chaytor, Esq., her Executor.
Holden for an unexpired Term of 14 Years, from the 16th Day of November last, under a Lease granted by the Right Hon. the Earl of Pomfret and others.
With the late Mrs. Chaytor's Share of the Mining Utensils, Tools, and Implements, belonging thereto.
The other Moiety is holden by William Chaytor, Esq., of Witton Castle, in the County of Durham, and Jos. Morley, Esq., of Marrick Abbey, in Swaledale, aforesaid - in each a quarter Share.
This Mine is well known - has been, and is likely to continue to be, extremely productive, and to prove a valuable Speculation to Mine Adventures.
James Spensley, of Feetham, in Swaledale, the Agent of the Mine, will show the Ground and the Works, and give any necessary Information to Persons wishing to purchase; and further Particulars may be known on Application to the said John Clervaux Chaytor, Esq., at Spennithorne, or to Mr. Willis, Solicitor, Thoralby.
Yorkshire Gazette – 16th September, 1826
LIST (3.) GAMEKEEPERS being Assessed Ser-
vants at £1. 5s.
... - Sadler Abel, by William Purchas, Esq. for Burton-cum-Walden, Thoralby, and Newbiggin.
Yorkshire Gazette – 1st September, 1827
at the House of James Richardson, the Black Bull Inn, in West-Burton, in the Parish of Aisgarth, in the County of York, on Tuesday, the 11th Day of September next at 6 o'Clock in the Evening, in Two Lots, by the Direction of the Executors and Devises in trust under the Will of the late Mr. William Graham, (subject to the Conditions to be then and there produced).
LOT 1.
ALL that modern-built MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, pleasantly situated in West-Burton aforesaid, with Garden, Stables, and Outbuildings therto belonging, and lately occupied by the said William Graham.
LOT 2.
All that valuable ESTATE, called Walden Head, situate in Walden, in the Township of West-Burton aforesaid, consisting of a good Farm-House, with all requisite Out-Buildings therto adjoining, and containing in the whole, by admeasurement, 143A. 2R. and 3P. of rich Meadow and Pasture Land, divided into convenient Inclosures and with an unlimited right of Common upon Walden-Head Moor.
The Estate is within a Ring Fence, and is well watered, and in the immediate Neighbourhood of extensive Moors, well stocked with Grouse. Any Person wishing for Investment will find it worth their Attention, as it is capable of great Improvement at a very little Expense, there being Lime-stone upon the Estate, and Coal is raised at a very short Distance.
ROBERT PALEY, the Tenant, will show the Premises, and further Particulars may be known, on Application to Mr. RALPH LODGE, of Newhouses, in Bishopdale, Mr. GEO P. ROBINSON, of West-Burton, (the Executor of the late W. Graham,) or at the Office of Messrs WILLIS and ROBINSON, Solicitors, Thoralby, where a Plan of the Estates may be seen.
Thoralby, 11th August, 1827
York Herald – 15th September, 1827
PERSONS who have obtained a GAME
CERTIFICATES for the Year 1827.
...Lodge Ralph, Bishopdale; Lodge W. Thoralby ...
Yorkshire Gazette – 21st March,1829
PURSUANT to a Degree of the High Court of Chancery mad in a Cause of "HUTTON v. CHAYTOR," with the approbation of William Wingfield Esq., one of the Masters of the said Court, at the King's Head Inn, Leyburn, in the Parish of Wensley, in the County of York, on Tuesday, the 26th Day of May, 1829, in Six Lots, a Freehold
Late the Property of Mrs. Jane Chaytor, deceased, situate in the Parish of Coverham, in the County of York, consisting of a FARM-HOUSE, with the Yards, Gardens, Barns, Stables, and Outbuildings, therto belonging; together with about 95 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, and also a DWELLING-HOUSE, now used as PUBLIC-HOUSE and several Pieces of Arable and Meadow LAND, containing about Four Acres, situate in the Parish of Melmerby, in the said County of York, and Seven and a Half Sheep Gates, on Melmerby Moor.
Printed Particulars may be had (Gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London; of Messrs. Willis, Watkinson, Bower, and Willis, Solicitors, Token House Yard, London; of Messrs. Willis and Robinson, Solicitors, Thoralby, near Bedale, in the County of York; and at the principal Inns at Leyburn, Middleham, Richmond, and Bedale, all in the said County of York.
Aberdeen Journal – 6th May, 1829
On the 19th ult. at Thoralby, near Leyburn, aged seventy-one, the Right Hon. Morris, Lord Rokeby, of Armagh, and a Baronet. His Lordship is succeeded in his titles and estates by his brother, Matthew Montagu, Esq. of Portman Square, London. ...
Lancaster Gazette - 13th June, 1829
... On the 9th ult. at Thoralby, near Leyburn, Yorkshire, Lawson Dunn, Esq. friend and companion of the late Right Hon. Morris, of Rokeby, whom he survived but three weeks. ...
Yorkshire Gazette – 22nd August, 1829
To be Peremptorily Re-Sold,
PURSUANT to a Degree of the High Court of Chancery mad in a Cause of "HUTTON v. CHAYTOR," with the approbation of William Wingfield Esq., one of the Masters of the said Court, at the King's Head Inn, Leyburn, in the Parish of Wensley, in the County of York, on Thursday, the 8th Day of October, 1829, in Lots, a FREEHOLD ESTATE (late the Property of Mr. Chaytor, deceased,) situate in the Parish of Spennithorne, in the said County of York, consisting of a FARM-HOUSE, with the Yards, Gardens, Barns, Stables, and Outbuildings, therto belonging; together with about 95 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, (now in the Occupation of a respectable Tenant, at the Annual Rent of £65.) and also a DWELLING-HOUSE, now used as PUBLIC-HOUSE and several Pieces of Arable and Meadow LAND, containing about Four Acres, situate in the Parish of Melmerby, in the said County of York, and Seven and a Half Sheep Gates, on Melmerby Moor.
Printed Particulars may be had (gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London; of Messrs. Willis, Watkinson, Bower, and Willis, Solicitors, Token House Yard, London; of Messrs. Willis and Robinson, Solicitors, Thoralby, near Bedale, in the County of York; and at the principal Inns at Leyburn, Middleham, Richmond, and Bedale, all in the said County of York.