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Newspaper Extracts - Thoralby 


Leeds Mercury – 29th October, 1814





At the Bolton Arms, in Leyburn, on Friday, the 10th Day of November, 1814, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions to be then and there produced,

ALL that Capital and Valuable ESTATE, situate at Oxque, in the Parish of Marrick, and at Downholme, in the Chapelry of Downholme, in the County of York, containing Two Dwelling-Houses, with suitable Outbuildings, and 130A. or upwards, of rich Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land, inclosed within a Ring-Fence, (the greatest Part whereof is Tythe-Free) late Property of George Wray, Esq. of Thoralby, deceased.

A Valuable Common Right is attached to the above Property on Marrick and Downholme Moors, the former of which is now enclosing, under an Act of Parliament lately obtained for that Purpose.

The above Estate is situate adjacent to the Two flourishing Market Towns of Richmond and Leyburn.

Christopher Peel, One of the Tenants at Oxque, will show the Premises; and further Particulars may be had by supplying to John Ryder Wood, Esq. of Wood-Hall; the Rev. J. Wood, of Burton; Mr. J.T. Wray, at Leyburn, and Mr. Willis, of Thoralby.


Durham County Advertiser - 12th November, 1814



At Thoralby, in Wensleydale on the 25th nlt, after a long illness, which baffled medical skill, Mary, the wife of James Willis, Esq. of that place.

York Herald – 23rd September, 1815



A LIST of PERSONS who have obtained GENERAL CERTIFICATES, up to the 21st Day of September, 1815, at the Rate of THREE POUNDS THIRTEEN SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE each ...

List - No.2.

Names with ??

... Sadler Abel, West Burton, Thoralby, and Bishopdale, appointed by William Purchas, Esquire.


Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser - 3rd March, 1817


BANKRUPTS to surrender in the COUNTRY.

Robert Davis, Aisgarth, Yorkshire, dealer, March 20, at 3, March 21, April 12, at 11, at Mr. Clarke's, innholder, Aisgarth. Attornies, Mr. Willis, Thoralby, and Messrs Willis and Co. Warnford-court.


Durham County Advertiser - 26th July, 1817



At Thoralby, Wensleydale, on the 6th inst. Bywell Sadler, Esq.


York Herald - 25th October, 1817


At the House of Mr. JOHN WELLOCK, Innholder,

West-Burton, near Leyburn, in the County of 

York, on WEDNESDAY, November 12, 1817, in

the Evening.

Subject to such Conditions as will then and there




Situate in the Township of WEST-BURTON aforesaid;


LOT 1. ALL that Old-Established and Well-accustomed WATER CORN-MILL, with DRYING-KILN adjoining. The Mill is twelve Yards by nine, three Stories high, contains three Pair of Stones and a Flour Machine, and is supplied by a very powerful Stream of Water. It has lately undergone a thorough Repair.

LOT 2. - One DWELLING-HOUSE and Appurtenances, adjoining Lot 1.

LOT 3. - A DWELLING-HOUSE, now in the occupation of John Matson.

LOT 4. - All those CLOSES, called Hudson Fields, containing, by estimation, Five Acres, more or less.

LOT 5. - An ALLOTMENT in Burton Pasture, containing 5A. 3R. 28P. more or less.

LOT 5. - A PLANTATION, known by the Name of JOP-HOLME.

The above Lots stand in the Centre of Six Corn and Flour-Markets - viz. Leyburn, Richmond, and Bedale, Corn-Markets - Kettlewell, Hawes, Greystones, Flour-Markets.

Further Particulars may be known on application to MR. JOHN TERRY, the Owner; or to Mr. J. SADLER, Solicitor, Thoralby.



Leeds Mercury - 1st November, 1817




At the House of Christopher Clarke, Innholder, in Hawes, in the County of York, on Wednesday, the 12th Day of November, 1817, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon.


ALL that FREEHOLD ESATATE, called and commonly know by the Name of Busk, situate near Hawes aforesaid, consisting of a DWELLING-HOUSE and Outbuildings, together with Forty Acres or thereabouts of Meadow, and Twenty-One Acres of Pasture LAND, and Two Closes or Inclosures of Pasture Land or Ground, called Duerly and Redmire Pastures, situate near Hawes aforesaid, containing together One Hundred and Fifty-three Acres, with an Allotment adjoining therto, containing Twenty-four Acres, be the same more or less.


Note.- There is a good Seam of Coal and Limestone in the Esate, and it is situate in good Sporting Country.


Also, all those FREEHOLD CLOSES or Inclosures of Ground, called the Low Ing, White-Acres and Strands, situate near Hawes aforsaid, containing by Estimation Fifteeen Acres or therabouts, now in the Possession of John Hunter. 


CJ Particulars may be known, on Application to Mr. John Lodge, Mr. Routh, Mr. Edmund Dixon, Mr. Matthew Allen, or Mr. John Metcalfe, the Assignees of Robert Davies, a Bankrupt, at Hawes aforesaid; or at the Office of Mr. Willis, Solicitor, in Thoralby; or of Mr. Preston, Solicitor, Skipton.

Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser 9th September, 1819



... Sept. 5 at Thoralby, Yorkshire, aged 25, Mr. Thos. Coates, Solicitor, of Warnford-court, London.


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