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Newspaper Extracts - Thoralby 


Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 9th April, 1870




TO BE LET, "CHAPEL HOUSE," [Chapel Garth] situate at Thoralby, in Wensleydale, late the residence of Miss DUNN, deceased, comprising Three Rooms and Kitchen on the ground floor, with Drawing-room and Four Bedrooms above, Wash-house in the Yard, and Pleasure Gardens and Shrubbery in front.

    Immediate possession can be had.

    For rent, particulars, and permission to view, apply

 at the Offices, in West Burton or Leyburn, of 

                                                 Mr. HAMMOND,


[Miss Elizabeth Dunn can be viewed in the 1861 census for Thoralby.]

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 23rd July, 1870




TO BE LET, SOLD BY AUCTION, at the STREET HEAD INN, in the Parish of Aysgarth, in the County of York, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of AUGUST, 1870, at the Hour of Six o'clock in the Evening, and subject to Conditions of Sale;

Mr. GEO. DENT, Auctioneer;

All that very desirable MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, known as "CHAPEL HOUSE," [Chapel Garth] situate near the Village of Thoralby aforesaid, late the residence of Miss Elizabeth Dunn, deceased, having a Southern aspect, and comprising Dining-room, Breakfast room, Library, and Kitchen on the Ground Floor, with spacious Entrance Hall, and Drawing-room, and Four good Bedrooms on the First Floor, together with Wash-house in the Yard behind, and Garden and Shrubbery in front.

And also all that CLOSE or PARCEL of rich MEADOW LAND, known as "Chapel Garth," lying immediately in front of and adjoining the said Messuage or Dwelling house, and containing by admeasurement 1a.1r.32p., be the same more or less

   Immediate possession can be given.

   The House and Premises may be viewed on applica-

   tion to Mr. CHRIS. BUSHBY, of Thoralby, and all

   further particulars or information relative thereto ob-

   tained on application at my Offices in West Burton or


                                       T.F.R. HAMMOND,


      West Burton, 8th July, 1870.

Sheffield Independent – 6th August, 1870



SADLER-WINGFIELD. - Aug. 3, at Eccleshall Church, Sheffield, by the Rev. E. Newman, Robert Sadler, solicitor, Southport, only son of Mr. John Sadler, solicitor, Thoralby, Yorkshire, to Sarah, only daughter of Mr. Wingfiled, Broomhall Park, Sheffield. No cards.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 3rd December, 1870



At a meeting of the justices on Friday at Town Hall, presented Lord Bolton, chairman ...Isaac Metcalfe, of Thoralby, summoned Wm. Metcalfe of West Burton, for a similar offence [an assault], for which he had to pay £1 6s. 6d. including costs. ...

[Isaac Metcalfe, occupation, Mole Catcher can be seen in the 1861 census for Thoralby].

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 3rd December, 1870



EXAMINATION OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL. - This school was examined on Monday the 5th instant, by the Rev. W.H. Crabtree, Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools. ... Scholars' certificates were issued to William Willis, of Thoralby, John Willis, of Thoralby ...

These children obviously attended the school at Aysgarth, rather than the local village school at Cross Lanes, Newbiggin.

Field – 14th January, 1871


DESTRUCTION OF OTTERS. What is the best and most speedy method of destroying otters? They are numerous in the Ure and tributaries in the neighbourhood ... so much so that they kill and ravage quantities of salmon, ... whilst spawning ... Only last week the water-bailiff picked up, in Thoralby Beck, seven gravid fish killed and partly devoured.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 18th March, 1871



THWAITE. - ​March 7th, at Thoralby, Mr. James Thwaite, farmer aged 78.

[James Thwaite, occupation, farmer of 120 acres can be seen in the 1861 census for Thoralby].

Knaresborough Post – 22nd April, 1871



AYSGARTH UNION. - ELECTION OF GUARDIANS OF THE POOR. - The following is the return for Aysgarth Union: - ...

Bishopdale: Robert Metcalfe, farmer ...

Newbiggin: Felix Sayer ...

Thoralby - (no return). ...

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 17th February, 1872







... Thomas Nicholson, Thoralby, grocer ...



Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer – 15th April, 1872


AYSGARTH UNION. The following are the guardians elected for this union: -


Newbiggin - Felix Sayer ...

Thoralby - Thomas Scott

[Thomas Scott can be seen farming at Barker, Thoralby in the 1871 census return].


York Herald – 19th October, 1872





… ; and the ground at Hawes police-station be drained at a cost not exceeding £5. The reports of the police as to the county bridges were on the whole satisfactory… In fourteen of the police-districts the state of the highways was reported to be generally good… In the Hang West district portions of the roads in Thoralby, Carperby, Reydale Side, Bainbridge, Low Abbotsford [Abbotside] were bad. In the Greta Bridge district the roads in most townships still required metal…

Northern Echo – 6th January, 1873


ACCIDENT AT LEYBURN. - A man named E. Thwaites, of Thoralby, Wensleydale, fell from a cart whilst going through Leyburn, on Friday, and broke his leg. He was conveyed to Mrs. Haw's temperance house, where he was attended by Dr. Metcalf.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 11th January, 1873




Mr. RICHARDSON, of Thirsk, appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. W.B. RICHARDSON, of York, for the defendants. The plaintiff, Mr. Wm. Annakin, is a cattle dealer residing near Thirsk, and he sought to recover £43 as compensation for the loss he had sustained through the alleged negligence of the railway company, in not carrying within reasonable and proper time, forty-three head of cattle from Leyburn to Lynn. Of these thirty-three had been sold to the plaintiff by Mr. Felix Sayer, of Bishopdale, and ten by Miss Fawcett, of Thoralby. The animals were trucked at Leyburn in the forenoon of the 7th of October, and in the ordinary course they ought to have arrived at Lynn between seven and nine o'clock on the following morning. They would then have been in time for the market at Lynn on that day, but they did not arrive there until after one o'clock in the afternoon, and the plaintiff consequently missed his market. On the following morning the cattle were loaded for Fakenham to dispose of, and the plaintiff was put to considerable expense. He estimated his loss at £1 per head at the very least. ... His HONOUR gave judgement for the defendant, with costs.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 26th April, 1873



AYSGARTH UNION. - The following list shows the number of meetings of the Board of Guardians attended by each guardian in this union during the past year (1872-3), as published by the union clerk: - 

Bishopdale: Mr. Robert Metcalfe, 2; ...

Newbiggin: Felix Sayer, 6; ...

Thoralby - Mr Thomas Scott, 9. ...

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 17th May, 1873



WEST BURTON. - Wednesday week was observed at West Burton as the village feast. The principal event of the day was the usual club walk or oddfellows procession. The members of the order resident in the village formed a procession early in the afternoon, and proceeded by a brass band walked through Carperby, Aysgarth, Thoralby, and Newbiggin. At each of these places they secured fresh accession to their ranks till on their return they numbered over 60. Dinner was served up in a tent on the green by Brother George Duckworth, of the Fox and Hounds Inn. The Rev. D. McCormick acted as chaplain. After dinner Dr. Routh addressed a few earnest words to all present. After singing the National Anthem they again walked round the village and into the Independent Chapel, ...

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 1st November, 1873



RICHARDSON, October 25, at Coxhoe, aged 41, Frances, wife of Mr William Richardson, and daughter of James and Ann Calvert, of Thoralby

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 7th March, 1874



PETTY SESSIONS, ... Frank Scott, labourer, of Thoralby, was charged by Supt. Alderson with being drunk and incapable on February 19th. Sergt. Bookless stated that he was on duty at seven p.m., and found him laid on the highway near to Askrigg. Fined 5s. and costs, or, in default fourteen day's hard labour to Northallerton Gaol.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 18th April, 1874



AYSGARTH UNION. - The following a list of the meetings of the several Guardians of this Union during the past year : - 

Bishopdale: Wm. Dent, 8; ...

Newbiggin: Felix Sayer, 8; ...

Thoralby - Bernard Tennant, 8 ...

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 14th November, 1874


MONEY. - £1,000, £300, £200, ready to be advanced on approved Mortgage Security at moderate rates of Interest. The Money may remain for a term of years if required. Apply to Mr. SADLER, Solicitor, Thoralby via Bedale.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 6th February, 1875



TEA PARTY AND BALL. The school-room between Thoralby and Newbiggin has recently been enlarged in becoming a Government school. In commemoration of the completion of this work a tea party and ball were held in the new school-room on the 22nd ult. The management of this party was placed in the hands of a committee of six local gentlemen, and it is due to these gentlemen to say that they carried out the work entrusted to them in a very efficient manner. A great number of invitations were issued, an no fewer than 150 ladies and gentlemen responded to the call and sat down to a most substantial tea. The dancing was led off by Mr. T. [Thomas] Sadler, of Thoralby, and Mrs. W. Fryer, of Newbiggin, and continued in a spirited manner long into the early hours of morning to the music of the violins played by Mr. W. Percival and Mr. J. Percival. Midway in the dance the party were regaled with lunch and afterwards supper; at intervals also the ladies were refreshed with wine, and the gentlemen with good old English beer. The programme was also further varied by songs given by different ladies and gentlemen. We need scarcely add that all appeared to enjoy themselves thoroughly, and when the meeting broke up a vote of thanks to the committee was carried amidst great applause. On the following day all the old people from Newbiggin and Thoralby were entertained by the committee to tea in the school-room, when a goodly number sat down and partook of the good things provided for them.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer – 19th April, 1875



AYSGARTH UNION. The following are the guardians elected for townships forming this  union: -  ...


Richard Cockburn, and Geo. Terry, Bishopdale ...

Newbiggin, Wm. P. Fryer ...

Thoralby, Bernard Tennant ... 

[Bernard Tennant can be seen farming at Heaning, Thoralby in the 1871 census return].

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 2nd October, 1875




LOT 1. - All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, Outbuildings, and Premises, late in the occupation of Mrs. Rider, deceased.

LOT 2. - All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, Outbuildings, and Premises, lately in the occupation of Mr. James Maychell, and adjoining Lot 1.

LOT 3. - All those COTTAGES, Garth, Garden, and Outbuildings formerly the estate of Mr. D. Drummond, deceased.

LOT 4. - One MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, on Machel Hill, with Stable and Outbuildings belonging, in the occupation of Mr. Francis Rider.

LOT 5. - TWO COTTAGES, also on Maychel Hill, with Garden and Outbuildings, late in the occupation of Mary Harrison, deceased.

LOT 6. - TWO COTTAGES, Garden, Outbuildings, and Premises in the occupation of Jane Willis.

LOT 7. - Also, Two Closes or Parcels of most superior MEADOW LAND. supposed to be the best in Wensleydale, with Garden and adjoining Barn and Stsable thereunto standing, and called "West Garth" and "East Garth," containing by admeasurement 4a. 0r. 11p. more or less, in the occupation of Mr. F. Rider.

LOT 9. - A Close of LAND, called "West Haw Allotment," containing 2a. 1r. 22p. more or less.



LOT 10. - All those Two Closes of MEADOW LAND, called "West" and "Wast Gamstocks," containing by admeasurement 5a. 2r. 10p. more or less, in the occupation of Mr. F. Rider.

Mr. F. RIDER will show the Esate; and all further information may be had on application to Mr. JOHN RIDER, Senr., Station Street, New Shildon, near Darlington, Durham; or Mr. PURCHAS, Solicitor, West Burton.

   West Burton, 27th September, 1875.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 23rd October, 1875



 ... Above the force on the rising ground stands Aysgarth Church a commanding structure well built of stone. It has a tower at the west end, from Aysgarth which is of little importance. The road leads across to Thoralby a neat little village with a may pole nearly 100 feet high, but which is sadly going onto decay. It stands in the centre of the village green, ...

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 4th December, 1875



This village was once again enlivened by the annual sports, which came off on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 24th, 25th, and 26th of November, under the efficient stewardship of Messrs. Wm. Heseltine, J.N. Heseltine, and Jas. Mudd, who rendered their services to the satisfaction of all present. The support consisted of foot races for money and waips trotting matches with horses for bridles, dog trails for money and a tea kettle, quoiting for metal coffee and tea pots, and various other sports too numerous mention. After tea, and sports were over, the young people amused themselves with dancing, which was carried on at both the inns [George Inn and Volunteer Inn], and a dance was also carried on in Mr. Heseltine's house on the Saturday night, and the feast seemed to be quite satisfactory.



Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 22nd January, 1876



The annual tea party and ball for the townships of Thoralby, Newbiggin, and Bishopdale took place on Friday evening, Jan. 7th. The re-union-a more successful one than usual-was held in the Cross Lanes Schoolroom, which was very prettily decorated with mottoes, in evergreen, appropriate to the season and occasion. A substantial meat tea was provided, to which nearly 250 sat down. Dancing was kept up afterwards with great spirit until the "small hours" of the morning. Everything passed off the most agreeable and enjoyable manner to all present. Great praise is due to those ladies who so kindly undertook the charge of the tea tables, and also to those who assisted in making the tasteful decorations of the room. The stewards did their duty in a most efficient manner, and must be congratulated upon the success which attended their endeavours. A second party was held on the following evening, at which over 60 persons were present, a most agreeable evening was spent.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 4th March, 1876




TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on Friday, March 10th, about 2,500 Stones of well-wos, of excellent quality, to be taken off the Premises; and will be sold in Lots to suit purchasers. The property of Mr. F. Ryder.

Sale at TWO o'Clock, p.m.


                                                        Auction Office, Newbiggin, Bishopdale, Bedale.       

                                                        February 29th, 1876.

[Francis Rider can be viewed in the 1861 census for Thoralby].

Leeds Mercury – 5th July, 1876




SADLER. – On the 2nd inst., at Thoralby, Yorkshire, aged 61 years, John Sadler, solicitor.

[John Sadler can be seen living at High Green House, Thoralby in the 1871 census return].

Newcastle Courant – 17th August, 1877



Before Mr. E.J. MEYNELL, Judge.



The plaintiff, Jeffrey Heseltine, wholesale cheese dealer, Thoralby [Peggy Garth], near Bedale, sued the defendant, Wm. Henry Iley, druggist, &c., Old Shildon, for £44 11s. 3d., being the price of 110 Wensleydale cheeses. It appeared that the plaintiff, on the 9th of August, 1876, despatched a consignment of 110 cheeses per rail from Leyburn to Shildon. He also followed by road with a load of cheeses, and endeavoured to dispose of them when he arrived at Shildon. He called at the establishment of defendant, with whom he had had dealings for nine to ten years; Mr Iley not being at home, Metcalfe, his manager, telegraphed to him at Redcar about the cheeses, which were eventually removed from the railway station and placed in defendant’s warehouse. They were good cheeses, and were from two dairies in Wensleydale. Their weight was 11 cwt. 2 qrs., and the price was £31 7s. 6d. per cwt. – Mr Robert Neilson, grocer South Road, Bishop Auckland, and Mr T.D. Veitch, grocer, Coundon, each stated that on the 9th of August, 1876, they bought cheese of good quality from the plaintiff. Defendant said he first cut the cheese on the 25th of August, and found it very inferior and quite soft and juicy in the middle. He cut other two cheeses, and was unable to sell any over the counter owing to their strong peculiar smell. Those in the warehouse were nearly all similar. – His Honour held that no warranty had been given, and found for the plaintiff for £18 above the amount paid into court.

York Herald – 7th November, 1877




JAQUES – On October 29th, at Warnford Cottage, ThoralbyLeonard Jaques, sen., aged 60.

[Leonard Jaques can be seen living at Warnford Cottage, Thoralby in the 1871 census return].

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 21st December, 1878


LOST or STOLEN, at Middleham Moor Nov. 6th, from the Tent of Mr. RICHARD HESELTINE, George Inn, Thoralby, a nearly new SADDLE, with spring stirrups, and a BRIDLE, (makers's name, GEORGE NICHOLSON, Hawes) Whosever will bring the same or give information (if stolen) to me shall be rewarded for their trouble. - RICHARD HESELTINE, Georg Inn, Thoralby, Bedale, Yorkshire.

[Richard Heseltine, innkeeper can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Field – 11th January, 1879


THE YORE AND THE SWALE. - The salmon spawning season ... They have, however, other enemies: and Beswick, the water bailiff, caught two fellows with a gaff the other day in Thoralby Creek; and in spite of the brilliant moonlight nights being against poaching, I am assured there is plenty of it, in the tributary streams especially, and the conservators must congratulate themselves on the larger fish keep to the main river, where they are, of course mire difficult to get at. There are a good few fish, and very large ones too, on the beds between Aysgarth and Wensley ...

Craven Herald 8th February 1879


BREACH OF SALMON FISHERY ACT. – Jonathan Beswick, of Wensley, water bailiff, summoned R Lambert and Wm. Bell, both of Thoralby, with having in their possession a certain instrument called a gaff with intent to take salmon there with. Complainant stated that on the 6th ultimo he saw the defendants walking by the side of the Thoralby beck, and suspecting them of being there for the purpose of taking salmon, he searched them and found the gaff produced in Lambert’s possession. For the defence, Lambert stated that he was carrying the gaff for another person. The magistrates fined him 23s. 6d., including costs, and dismissed the case against Bell.

Craven Herald 5th April 1879



LIST OF WAYWARDENS AND OVERSEERS. - The following have been appointed overseers and waywardens for the representative townships comprising the parish of Aysgarth, for the ensuing year, viz. :-



Bishopdale: Mr. Michael Webster, Dale Foot, and Mr. James Metcalfe, Dale Head. …

Newbiggin: Mr. W.P Fryer, [Eastburn] Newbiggin, and Mr. Henry Bushby, Newbiggin. …

Thoralby: Mr. Leonard Dent, farmer, Gayle Ing and Mr. A. Sayer, Thoralby. …



Bishopdale: Mr. Felix Sayer, farmer, Lane Bottom. …                                                                                   

Newbiggin: Mr. W.P Fryer, [Eastburn] Newbiggin. …

Thoralby: Mr. John Fawcett, Thoralby. …

Craven Herald 12th April 1879


ELECTION OF GUARDIANS OF THE POOR. – The following is the list of Guardians elected for the Aysgarth Union: -

Bishopdale: - Thomas Broderick, Smelter; …

Newbiggin – John Duckitt, Newbiggin; …

ThoralbyThomas Sadler, Thoralby; …

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 10th May, 1879




TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR. J. HESELTINE, on WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of MAY instant, the Dining, Drawing-room, and Bedroom FURNITURE (principally new from London), Carpets, Glass, China, &c., in the east part of Heaning Hall.

On view two days prior to the sale.


York Herald – 15th May, 1879




TOMMEY-SADDLER. – On the 8th inst., at the parish church, Kildwick, Richard Frederick Tommey, of West Burton, to Alice, only surviving daughter of the late John Bywell Sadler, Esq., of Thoralby.

Northern Echo 3rd July 1879


… and James Hemsley, labourer, who was charged with stealing three ducks, at Thoralby, on the 20th June.

[James Hemsley can be viewed in the 1871 census for Thoralby.]

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 1st November, 1879




 ... at the National School, Aysgarth ... John Sadler gave in 1742 £80 for the purpose of building a school and £16 for a school-master. About seventy-five years ago [1804] the land in which the money was invested was sold, and the inspector said as the trustees had allowed the property to be sold the charity was now lost. In the case of Butterfield's Poor's Close at Thoralby-with Newbiggin, the inspector said the trust should be invested in official trustees and a local committer be appointed to see that the trust was properly carried out.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle – 29th November, 1879




 ... ALTON-JAQUES. - On Thursday, November 20, at Aysgarth Church, by the Rev. F. Stowe, Mr. Thomas Alton, of Low Ellington, to Miss Eliza Jaques, daughter of the late Leonard Jaques, Esq., of, Thoralby.

[Eliza and Leonard Jaques can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer – 24th December, 1879


BEDALE CHRISTMAS SHOW. - The Christmas show of beef was held at the Butchers' Shambles at Bedale. ... On Mrs Lancaster's stall there were exhibited two magnificent bullocks which had taken first prize at the Ripon Smithfield Cattle Show, and purchases by the present owner from Mr. Thos. Almack, of Thoralby. ...


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