Early Maps - 1577-1834
Saxtons Map
The map below shows a section of Saxtons Map of Yorkshire 1577, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale. Bishopdale Chase was the royal hunting forest of the King of England.

John Speeds Map
The map below shows a section of John Speed's Map of N.E.Riding of Yorkshire in 1610, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale. Bishopdale Chase was the royal hunting forest of the King of England.

Bleaus Map
The map below shows a section of Bleaus map of N.R. Yorkshire 1662, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale. Bishopdale Chase was the royal hunting forest of the King of England.

Camdens Map
16th - 17th Century
The map below shows a section of Camdens Map of 16th -17th Century Yorkshire, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale.

Mordens Map
c. 1695
The map below shows a section of Mordens map of N.R. Yorkshire c.1695, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale. Bishopdale Chase was the royal hunting forest of the King of England. This is the latest date map to record Bishopdale Chase as a forest.

Warburtons Map
The map below shows a section of Warburton Map of Yorkshire 1720, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale.

Tukes Map
The map below shows a section of Tukes Map of Yorkshire 1728, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale.

Jeffreys Map
The map below shows a section of Jeffreys Map of Yorkshire 1771, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale.

Careys Map
The map below shows a section of Careys map of N.R. Yorkshire 1787, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, and Newbiggin, Bishopdale for the first time is not noted.

Smiths Map
The map below shows a section of Smiths map of N.R. Yorkshire 1808, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby and Newbiggin.

Greenwoods Map
The map below shows a section of Greenwoods map of N.R. Yorkshire 1817, courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby and Newbiggin, with close up of Thoralby village.

Greenwoods Map
The map below shows a section of Greenwoods map of N.R. Yorkshire 1834,courtesy of NYCRO. I have underlined the settlements of Thoralby, Newbiggin and Bishopdale.