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The 3 Days of Wensleydale - W.G.M. Barker,  1854

The 3 Days of Wensleydale, W.G.M. Barker, 1854

(courtesy of the Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes)

The following is a transcription from the above Book:

Transcribed from The 3 Days of Wensleydale, W. G. M. Barker - 1854

p. 30... Besides the yet existing churches just mentioned, there were many chapels long ago destroyed; amongst which may be named All Saints, at Thoralby founded by Maria de Nevile, Lady of Middleham, in 1316; ...


p. 52 Upon the last survey, the clear value of the estats belonging to Coverham Abbey was found not to exceed £160 18s. 3d. per annum; hense of course it was suppressed with the smaller houses. (1) The work of demolition went on with alacrity throughout England - shrine after shrine - abbey after abbey fell...

Myddleham, a Challice, p'cell guilt. per oz............... XIII oz.Thoralby, a Challice, p'cell guilt. per oz..................... VI oz.

p. 53 (1) When the ecclesiastical survey was taken, 26 Hen. VIII (A.D., 1535.) ... The value of the other manors, &c., was - Thoralby, 70s.; ... To Adam Middleham, perpetual chaplain of Thoralby, 100s. ...

p. 212 THORALDESBY. - Sunt ibidem 9 caruatae terrae, uner 13 faciunt feodum i militis: de quibus Rogereus Oysel tenet dim. car. de Roberto de Taterale, & idem Robertus tenet 8 carus. terrae & dim. Comite Richemondiae, Commes de Rege. (1)(1) Kirkby's InquestThe Lordship of Thoralby was conveyed from the citizens of London to Major Norton, Esq., of St. Nicholas, near Richmond, Oct. 25th, 1661.p.


218 [Aysgarth Church] ... There are some modern inscriptions; one commemorates Lieutenant James Fawcett Wray, 7th Fusiliers, who gallantly fell in a storming party at Badajoz, April 2nd.,1812, aged 24, son of George Wray Esq., of Town Head, [Old Hall] Thoralby: the inscription informs us that it "is erected in Token of Esteem and Regret by his Brother Officers of the Loyal Dales Volunteers."




A TABULAR VIEW of the Principal Manors in Wensleydale, taken from

Domesday Book; compiled circiter A.D. 1983


Manor Village or Parish

Owner temp St. Edward the Confessor

Owner cir. 1083


Acres liable to taxes        Acres which might be made so   Value temp St. Edward the Confessor     Value circiter 1083

Thoralby Bernulf 20s.      waste                                                   20s         waste


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