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WW1 Propoganda Poster

Home Front

World War One

Aysgarth Parish 

Today the townships of Aysgarth, Bishopdale, Burton-cum-Walden, Carperby-cum-Thoresby, Newbiggin, Thoralby and Thornton Rust make up the Parish of Aysgarth. For details of the ancient and much larger parish follow the link to Aysgarth Parish Church.

Below is a brief description of each township transcribed from Kelly's Trade Directory, 1913, with images of the villages. The population of each village is highlighted in bold. The total population for Aysgarth Parish in 1911 was 1,229 and it would have been a similar figure in 1914, when war broke out. The descriptions provide a glimpse of what each village was like at the outbreak of war and several of the names that appear in The Roll of Honour can be found in their civilian occupations. The large number of shopkeepers, especially in the villages of Aysgarth and West Burton, is a reminder of a time when each village was virtually self-sufficient. Postcards showing what the villages looked like c.1914 and extracts from The Upper Wensleydale Parish Magazine are also included to illustrate the activities taking place within the villages for the war effort. Images of the war memorials to the dead from each village have also been included.

So far 212 men and women have been identified as serving during the conflict, for more details see Roll of Honour, this number is constantly being added to.



"AYSGARTH is a parish, township, village and the head of a [poor law] union, pleasantly situated on the south of the river Ure, or Yore, in Wensleydale, with a station 1 mile north-east on the Northallerton and Hawes Branch of the North Eastern Railway, 8¼ miles west-south-west from Leyburn, 9 east from Hawes and 4 south-east from Askrigg; it is in the Richmond division of the Riding, wapentake and petty sessional division of Hang West, county court district of Leyburn, rural deanery of West Catterick, archdeaconry of Richmond and diocese of Ripon. Electric lighting is supplied by a private company, from power derived from the old water mill. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient building of stone in the Early English style, and later styles, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, south porch, and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing a clock, presented by J.C. Winn esq. in 1904, and 6 bells cast in 1829...The church was restored, and to a considerable extent rebuilt in 1866 a cost of about £6,000, and affords 620 sittings...The living is a discharged vicarage, net yearly value £180, including 38 acres of glebe ad residence, in the gift of Trinity College Cambridge, and held since 1913 by the Rev. William Kitley Wyley M.A. of that college...The Wesleyan Methodist chapel here was erected in 1901. A fair for sheep and cattle is held here on October 30th. A new foot bridge was erected in 1906 at Harper-Wath by the Rural District Council, in place of the old stepping stones. In the same year a water supply was provided at a cost of £600, the spring being presented by Mr. John Chapman, of Thornton Rust. The Literary Institute, containing reading and billiards rooms, with a large room above for public meetings, was opened in September, 1907; it was erected on the site of the old reading room at a cost of £600. [In 1925, electric lighting is supplied by a private company, from power derived from the old water mill.] Palmer Flatt, within 100 yards of the church, and a quarter of a mile from the Force, affords a most extensive view of the delightful scenery of the district, with Bolton Castle in the distance. William Robinson Burrill-Robinson esq. who is lord of the manor, William Bell esq. and James Clarkson Winn esq. J.P. of West Burton are the principal landowners. The soil is very good; subsoil, limestone. The land is chiefly in pasture. The parish of Aysgarth is very extensive...The area of the township is 1,199 acres of land and 15 of water; rateable value, £2,052; the population in 1911 was 279; ecclesiastical parish in 1911, 1,229. 

Parish Clerk, Robert Tunstill.


Post, M. O. & T. Office Aysgarth (letters should have

Yorks added). - Miss Alice E. Wray, sub-postmistress.

Letters arrive at 6 a.m.: sundays, 6 a.m.; despatched 

at 10.45 a.m. & 6.10 p.m., sundays at 5.10 p.m.

Wall Letter Box, Palmer Flatt, cleared at 10.30 a.m. & sundays 5 p.m (p.29) ...


Public Elementary School, erected for 127 children; average attendance, 32, Miss Mary Dawson, mistress

Railway Station, Thomas Henry Walls, station master (p.30)




Bell William, Flattlands

Bradley William Timothy, Hillside

Brittain Richard, Newlands

Clark John, Yore house

Cowper Mrs. Cornlee

Dunbar Dean M.B

Graham Francis Sayer, Heath cot

Hime Edward Maurice M.B.

King Arthur William

Wyley Rev. William Kiteley M.A.

 (vicar), Vicarage 


Aysgarth Elictric Lighting Co. (Bell

 & Doughill, proprietors)

Baynes John, farmer

Blades Ralph, farmer &   sanitary in-spector to the   Aysgarth Rural Dis-trict Council

Brewster Jane (Miss), apartments

Cockburn Thomas, farmer

Doughill Geo. & Sons. bldrs. & contractors

Fawcett, Roland, farmer, Old mill

Gill John, grocer

Graham Francis Sayer, game dealer

Hime Edward Maurice M.B., Ch.B.

 Vict. surgeon, & medical officer &

 public vacinator Askrigg district,

 medical officer to workhouse, Ays-

 garth union, & medical officer of

 health to Aysgarth Rural District 

 Council; & at Askrigg

Lambert Joseph, farmer

Literary Institute (John Baynes &

 Charles Brunskill, hon. secs)

Mason John, farmer

Metcalfe Christopher, farmer

North Charles, joiner & apartments

Percival Wm. George & Dragon P.H.

Riggs Jemima (Miss), apartments

Simpson Timothy, farmer

Strong Thomas, farmer

Thompson Ellen (Miss), dress maker

Thompson George William, apart-

 ments, Rose cottage

Thompson James, shoe maker & frmr

Thompson John, butcher

Thompson Martha (Mrs.), apartments

Trotter John, Palmer Flatt hotel

Watson Christopher, farmer, West 


Watson Lily (Miss), shopkeeper

Wensleydale Sanatorium (Joseph

 William Green Smith, sec.; Mrs

 Elizabeth Ann Barnes, matron)

Whitehead George, joiner

Willis Matthew H. & Sons, registered

 shoeing smiths

Wilson Bumphrey, farmer

Wray Alice C. (Miss), apartments,

 Post office

Yore Mills Roller Flour Co. (Richard

 Brittain, manager), corn & flour

 millers (water) & cake merchants"


Aysgarth village c.1911
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Aysgarth Middle Falls, Yore Mills & Aysgarth Church.

Aysgarth village, newly built Institute on the left (1907). The War Memorial was built on the green in the middle of the road c.1924, see memorial below.

Aysgarth Middle Falls, Yore Mills & Aysgarth Church
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Coronation of George V Celebrations at Aysgarth in 1911
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Coronation of George V Celebrations at Aysgarth in June1911 (courtesy of Denny Gibson).

Aysgarth village celebrating the Coronation of George V in 1911
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Aysgarth village celebrating the Coronation of George V in June 1911 (courtesy of Jane Ritchie).

Articles below, transcribed from the 'Upper Wensleydale Parish Magazine', show some of the activities taking place on the Home Front towards the war effort in all of the villages.

    FEBRUARY, 1915 

No.                                                                                          AYSGARTH.                                                                                One Penny.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

© Thoralby Through Time

A couple of paragraphs in the February 1915 report stand out:


"In all cases efforts have been made to send the articles to regiments actually at the front, and not to depots to be stored."

"Warm underwear has been distributed amongst the young men of Aysgarth Township who have volunteered."

              DECEMBER, 1915

No.96                                                                                        AYSGARTH.                                                                    One Penny.


Things concerning the war must still engage our attention and the space occupied by reports must curtail my letter this month: but I cannot omit words of thankful congratulations to Aysgarth and Newbiggin for their response to Lord Derby's appeal for men. I am sure those who have answered the call of duty will not regret having taken the nobler course than "waiting to be fetched," and I hope that before that day of fetching others will have followed their patriotic example. ...

The appeal for the Red Cross on "Our Day" (Saturday, October 30) gained a very warm response in the Aysgarth district, the total sum raised amounting to £58 0s. 6d.: and Mrs. Archer desires to thank her helpers for their willing and most successful efforts. Collections were made in the villages of Aysgarth, Carperby, Newbiggin, Thoralby, Thornton Rust, West Burton and West Witton, and Bishopdale by the following members of Yorks. 56, West Hang Detachment of the Red Cross Society:- Miss Hugill (hon. sec.), Mrs. Sedgewick, Mr. Dinsdale, Mrs. Espiner, Mrs. G. Johnson, the Misses Wray, Bell B. Bell, North, Walker, Blades, Peacock, Smorthwaite, Lambert, Raw, Osborn, James, Smithson, Bushby, Johnson, Armitage, and Bell (Askrigg), assisted by Mrs. Peake, Mrs. Gruning, Mr. E. Wyatt Gibson and Mr. Bell." ... 

JUNE, 1917

No. 114.                                                                                        AYSGARTH.                                                                                 One Penny.


The importance of exercising the strictest economy in the use of flour and other grain food has been brought to the country by the King's Proclamation in terms which can scarcely be misunderstood. We told that the clever devices, by which enemy submarines can now fire torpedoes accurately without coming to the surface, has intensified and may prolong our danger of scarcity, and we must not be misled to think that the shorter lists of sunken shipping of the last fortnight gives us ground to disregard the appeal example of the King or to think lightly to this new duty of self-denial to which we at home are called for the time being. Thousands of people are pledging themselves to a loyal res ponce to the proclamation and there are cards issued which may be obtained through the War Savings Committees and which I hope will be extensively taken and signed, promising to effect every economy possible in the use of wheaten and other grain food. ...

                                                                                                W.K. WYLEY, Vicar.

Our very hearty congratulations Dr. Pickles and his bride and the good wishes of all the district for their happiness. ...

The call for more men has deprived me of the valued help of Mr. Auton. I hope to keep up as much of the work of the Parish as possible, and I am sure I shall have your generous consideration where I cannot fulfil all I could wish to do.

Parish Register.


. ... May 5. William Norman Pickles, R.N.V.R. and Gertrude Adelaide Tunstiill, Thornton Lodge. ...




. ... Apl. 8. Killed in action, George Sydney Gould, aged 26."

No. 117                                                                                     SEPTEMBER, 1917                                                                         One Penny.



Surely, we feel touched, all in some degree, many deeply so, by the unexpected swiftness with which the hand of death has taken from us one  whose family was so well known and whose own kindly spirit had won so wide a circle of friends. While we cannot but be thankful that when the end was inevitable he had not the trial of long waiting, and especially since we know the swiftness of death is nothing to be feared or lamented for those who look to the drawing of that light in which the full purpose and love of God is seen with endless joy, yet I am sure I may express on behalf of the whole Parish our deep sympathy with Mrs. Liddon and Miss Lodge in their bereavement. .. .[the death of their brother Col. John William Lodge].

I have been told that horse chestnuts have a value in connection with the making of munitions. I am afraid those that grow in the North are but small and few in number, but if the Schoolboys will wait till they fall of themselves, fully ripe, and then pick up all they can, I will forward them to the nearest depot.

Clean Waste Paper has also a value in these days, and Mr. Hiscock, of Hawes, will gladly receive any that may be available. ..

No.                                                                                             NOVEMBER, 1917                                                                         One Penny.

... Many thanks to the School Children who have collected chestnuts to the amount to the amount of about half-a-cwt.   Also to those who have sent waste paper, - about 2cwt. has been sent to Hawes, and there is yet demand for more.

No.                                                                                           APRIL, 1918                                                                                     One Penny.

... "A second consignment of wast paper to the amount of 2 cwt. has been sent away and the sacks are now awaiting fresh contributions. It is hoped that all who have any time to spare at Spring cleaning time will send it in large or small quantities to the Vicarage. The need is more urgent as time goes on. " 

No.                                                                                            JUNE, 1918                                                                                      One Penny.

... "On the Saturday following (June 29) there is to be a Sale and War Tea in the Institute, [see photograph below] organized by Mrs. Archer on behalf of the Hospitals under the auspices of Queen Alexandra, whose roses will be sold on the previous day. An American principle is being adopted by which everyone coming to the sale will bring something in a parcel to be sold for the good cause, s furnishing at least one stall of articles of every kind; no limit is placed upon the value of the parcel, whether maximum or minimum, but it is hoped the articles brought will be as far as possible of a useful nature."

Aysgarth Institute c.1910
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Aysgarth Institute built 1907, where some of the activities for the war effort took place.

Aysgarth Preparatory School
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Aysgarth Preparatory School (courtesy of Jane Ritchie).

Aysgarth Preparatory School was founded in 1877 and housed in the above premises near Aysgarth Falls. New school premises were built at Newton-le-Willows, near Bedale, in 1890, but the Aysgarth premises remained open until at least 1901, when a headmaster, two other teachers, 18 pupils between the ages of 9 and 14 and a domestic staff of six were recorded at Aysgarth. Harold Carey Matthews (1879-1915) was a scholar there. By 1905, the Aysgarth part of the school had closed and the staff and pupils had been transferred to Newton-le-Willows. The Aysgarth premises then became a sanatorium (see further details below). 

Aysgarth National School, 1896
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Aysgarth National School, 1896. The boys and girls underlined in red are all on the Aysgarth Parish Roll of Honour. Some names are also on the Aysgarth Methodist Chapel Roll of Honour shown below (courtesy of the DCM, Hawes).

All eleven children underlined in red survived the Great War, many remaining in Aysgarth throughout their lives.

Aysgarth National School, built by subscription in 1837, was endowed with the rent of a field left by Christopher Tomlinson. The school was rebuilt in 1894-96, having 2 classrooms, 2 cloakrooms and 2 outside toilets. At one time it catered for 50 pupils (32 in the above photograph). The building was also used as a Sunday School and for annual Parish Teas to raise money for the church. Aysgarth National School closed in 1946. The school building later became a Scout Hall and is now the Aysgarth Medical Centre.

Nurses at Aysgarth Bazaar, 1905 3
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Fifteen nurses at Aysgarth Bazaar, 1905 (courtesy of Jane Ritchie).

Names of Nurses:-

1. Annie Sayer b. 1878 at Carperby, m. Johnny Thompson in 1906

2. Alice Scott b. 1888 at Barker, Thoralby, m. Nat. Mason in 1914

3. Mary Alice Milner b. 1884 at Thornton Rust, m. Wm. Percival of the George & Dragon, Aysgarth in 1906

4. May Gould b. 1887 at Masham (living at Warnford, Thoralby) m. John W. Cornforth in 1911, died in 1948

5. Jack Hammond ?

6. Annie V. Stockdale, b. 1880 at Tunstall, lived in W. Burton, emigrated to USA in 1911 m. Thos. H. Brown  in 1912, died in 1959

7. Barbara Ann Raw b. 1886 at Carperby-cum-Thoresby, m.  John Ewbank in 1919, died in 1974

8. Jane Ellen Thompson b. at Aysgarth in 1883 (Sarah’s sister).

9. Miss/Mrs. Mason or Thompson ?

10. Margaret Mattison b.1865 at Thoralby, died in 1940

11. Ruth Dougill b. 1889 at Aysgarth, died in 1970

12. Sarah Thompson b. 1880 at Aysgarth, m. John/Jack Doughill in 1916

13. Georgina Maud Winn b. 1876 at West Burton, m. Alfred J. Ritchie in 1908, died in 1955

14. Mrs. Mary Jane Clark, lived at Yore Mills, b. 1841 

15. Dot Mason b.1885 at Aysgarth, m. Herbert Gunson in 1921

The names with the hyperlinks are on the Aysgarth Parish Roll of Honour and some are on the image further below of Dr. Will Pickles with the Voluntary Aid Detachment.

The names of the nurses with red numbers next to them are not known. If you recognise someone, or have further information please contact me.

The Sanatorium, Aysgarth
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The Sanatorium, Aysgarth (courtesy of Denny Gibson).

Aysgarth Preparatory School, moved to newly built and larger premises in 1890 at  Newton-le-Willows, Bedale. The building then became Aysgarth Sanatorium. In 1911, the staff of the sanatorium comprised the proprietor, a matron, two hospital nurses, thirty-one male and female patients aged from 9 to 50 and six domestic staff. The establishment was then named the Wensleydale Sanatorium.

Shelters at Wensleydale Sanatorium, Aysgarth
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Shelters at Wensleydale Sanatorium, Aysgarth

(courtesy of Denny Gibson).

In 1909, the Sheffield Daily Telegraph was advertising the Sanatorium at a rate of £2 2s. per week. The following year, the Consumption Committee decided to pay for two beds at Aysgarth Sanatorium at a cost of £90 per bed per annum.

By 1913, the number of beds for the treatment of consumption had risen from 25 to 30 and the weekly rate had been reduced to 30s. In an era well before the creation of the National Health Service, patients or their families had to pay for their accommodation and treatment from their own funds or from insurance policies. 

A newspaper article published in 1914 attested to the lasting value of the treatment, as four men from Aysgarth with tuberculosis had offered themselves for service in H.M. Forces and had been passed physically fit.

Below is Aysgarth Methodist Chapel Roll of Honour, listing the 36 men and women, who were members of Aysgarth Methodist Chapel and served in World War One.

Aysgarth RoH, Methodist Chapel
© Thoralby Through Time

Aysgarth Methodist Chapel Roll of Honour - 36 Names

Below is a transcription of all the above names:






                                   NAME                                            SERVICE                                                               REMARKS

Dr. Pickles

Nurse Ruth Dougill

Gunner William Horner

Sapper Wesley Dougill

Pioneer William Sayer

Pte Lawrence Dougill

Pte Leonard Horner

Pte John Percival

Pte Cecil Riggs

Gunner William Cockburn

A.B. Bryan Cockburn

Pte William Helmsley

Driver Matthew Webster

Pte Thomas H. Dougill

Pte Thomas Dinsdale

Pte Earnest C. North

Pte Thomas Percival

Pte George Johnson

Pte James P. Bell

Gunner J. Richardson

Pte William Mason

Pte John Dickinson

Pte John Thompson

Pte William Percival

Pte George W. Thompson

Pte Nathaniel Mason

Pte Thomas Furnish

Pte William Robinson

Pte Henry Cockburn

Pte William James

Sapper William Dougill

Pte John Stainsby

Pte William Stainsby

Pte Frank Johnson

Pte John Mason

Pte Frank Thompson

Royal Naval Dr.

Queen Mary's Military Hospital






Green Howards

3rd Yorks.



10th West Yorks.




Yorks and Lancaster

3/4 Yorks.


43rd Canadians


4th Yorks.

5th Yorks.










A. & S.A.





Aysgarth medical practice's G.P., Doctor Will Pickles, was one of the names listed above and as well as serving as a naval surgeon throughout the war. Whilst home on leave recovering from an injury, he set up his Voluntary Aid Detachment of 20 local nurses, see image below.

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Dr. Will Pickles with his Voluntary Aid Detachment c.1914, Aysgarth (courtesy of Frank & Martha E. Snaith).

Names known are: No. 1: Miss Gertrude Adelaide Tunstill - later Mrs. Pickles, No. 2: Miss Elizabeth Ewbank, No. 4: Miss Barbara Alice Bell - later Mrs. Peacock, No. 6: Miss May/Mary Heseltine - later Mrs. Shepherd (USA), No. 7: Miss Ethel Johnson - later Mrs. Scott, No. 11: Mrs. Margaret Ann Dinsdale, No.13: Mrs. Annie Graham, No. 14: Mrs. Constance Emma Archer, No. 15: Miss Lily Wray, No.16: Miss Alice Scott - later  Mrs. Mason,  No. 17: Miss Nellie Smorthwaite, No.18: Miss Kathleen North - later Mrs. Sayer No. 19: Miss Alice Ecroyd Tunstill and No. 20: Miss Madge Blades.

The names of the nurses with red numbers next to them are not known, but some of their names, in alphabetical order, were: Miss Barbara Ethel Bell - later Mrs. Middleton, Miss Ruth Dougill (see earlier 1905 photo of nurses) and Miss Alice Ann Mason - later Mrs. Alderson. If you recognise any of them, please contact me.


When Dr.Pickles had completed his recuperation and returned to his naval service (see Roll of Honour and his biography), Mrs Archer took over command of the Aysgarth, V.A.D.s., Mrs Archer took over command of the Aysgarth, V.A.D.s., based at Sorrelsykes, West Burton (see Burton-cum-Walden, below).

Serving in the Women's Army Auxiliary were: Jessie Blades as a telegraphist serving overseas in France and Amy Braithwaite, as a cook - later Mrs. Waters (NZ). Amy married Lawrence David Waters of the New Zealand Army in London in 1918 and emigrated to New Zealand in 1918.

Below is the Roll of Honour in Aysgarth Institute, listing the names of the 50 locals, including 3 women who served in the Great War.

Aysgarth Institute RoH, WW1
© Thoralby Through Time

Above is a recently discovered Roll of Honour in Aysgarth Institute, the names are of those who served in the Great War from Aysgarth and Thornton Rust Townships who were also members of the Aysgarth Institute.

Names on Aysgarth Institute RoH, WW1
© Thoralby Through Time

Below is a transcript of the 50 names of those on the Roll of Honour:

Names of Men Members of the Institute who went from Aysgarth

Township to serve in the Great War 1914 - 1918.

Lance-corporal William Airey R.E. Corporal William Alderson R.F.A. 

Gunner Robert Bell, Gen. Guards, Gunner William Henry Cockburn R.G.A.

Sapper George Henry Cockburn R.E. M.S. Bryan Cockburn R.N.F.

Lieutenant Claud Cowper R.E. Private John Dickinson 4th Yorks.

Corporal Thomas Dinsdale A.V.C. Private Edward Dinsdale N.F.

Sapper William Doughill R.E. Lieutenant Wesley Doughill R.E.

Corporal Lawrence Victor Doughill R.A.M.C. Lance-corporal Thomas Haxby Doughill R.A.O.C.

Private Thomas Furnish H.L.I. Private Harold Hammond 4th Yorks.

Lieutenant Edward Maurice Hime R.A.M.C. Private William James Horner 4th Yorks.

Private Leonard Horner R.A.M.C. 3rd Air Mechanic James Iveson R.A.F.

Private William James C.R. Private Frank Johnson R.E.

Driver George Johnson R.A.S.C. Gunner Nathaniel Mason R.F.A.

Sapper John Mason R.E. Private William Mason West Yorks.

Private Lester North K.O.Y.L.I. Lance-corporal Alfred North M.G.C. 

Private Ernest North Yorks. and Lancaster Driver William Percival R.E.

Private Joseph Percival 4th Yorks. Private Edward Percival D.L.I.

Lance-corporal Thomas Percival 4th Yorks. Lieutenant William Norman Pickles R.N.S.

Lieutenant John Jagger Pickles R.A.M.C. Gunner Jeremiah Richardson M.G.C.

Private Cecil Riggs W.R. Private William Robinson H.L.I. Sapper William Sayer R.E.

Private John Stainsby S.H. Driver John Thompson R.A.S.C. Private Frank Thompson A.C.

Driver Matthew Webster R.A.S.C. 

Men who have given their lives for their Country

James Bell C.H.I. Killed October 8th, 1916 George Charlton 4th Yorks. Died in Hospital December 2 1918

William Hemsley 4th Yorks. Killed October 4th, 1917. John Percival R.A.S.C. Died from Gas April 8th, 1918.


Madge Blades, Ruth Vincent Doughill  Jessie Blades A.M.A.A.C.

God save the King.

Below is Aysgarth Village War Memorial, located in the centre of the village, close to the Methodist Chapel and Village Hall, erected in 1919.

Names: Aysgarth War Memorial

Aysgarth Village War Memorial - Names

Aysagrth War Memorial
© Thoralby Through Time

Aysgarth Village War Memorial Lamp, c. 1924.

Below is the an image of the Aysgarth Parish Church St Andrew’s, where the engraved brass memorial plaque, is situated inside the Church, listing 20 names of the men of this parish who laid down their lives during the Great War.

Aysgarth Parish Church, c.1912.
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Aysgarth Parish Church, c.1912.

War Memorial - Pip Pointon

Brass Plaque War Memorial in Aysgarth Church, transcription below (courtesy of Pip Pointon).

WAR MEMORIAL. To the Honoured Memory of the men of this Parish who laid down their lives for King and Country in the Great War 1914 - 1918. Dulce et docorum est pro patri mori. This tablet was erected by James C. and Jane WINN, the Grange, West Burton.

Pte James BELL                                       Cameron Highlanders

Pte Harold BINKS                                   13th Yorks

Pte William Edward BUSHBY                20th D.L.I.

Pte George CHARLTON                          R.A.S.C.

Pte James Bell FAWCETT                        8th Yorks

Pte John Mills GOULD                            17th North LD Fusrs

Pte George Sidney GOULD                    Canadian E.F.

Pte George Iveson HAMMOND            4th Yorks

Pte William HEMSLEY                             10th W. Yorks

Pte Matthew HESELTINE                        Green Howards

Pte Matthew HESELTINE                        Green Howards

Pte William Herbert KILBURN               3rd Yorks

Col. John William LODGE                        3rd Yorks

Pte Arthur MAWER                                  R.A.S.C.

Pte Robert Pickering METCALFE            8th K.R.R.C.

Pte John PERCIVAL                                   9th Yorks

Pte Timothy PERCIVAL                            R.F.A.

Cpl Joseph Dixon RAW M.M.                  3rd Yorks

L/Cpl John SHANNON                             10th Yorks

Pte Thomas SPENCE                                4th Yorks

Below, at the entrance to Aysgarth Parish Church St Andrew’s, were erected the Church Gates, Memorial Pillars in 1923, listing the above 20 names. 

Aysgarth Parish Church Memorial Gates, erected 1923
© Thoralby Through Time

Aysgarth Parish Church Memorial Gates, erected 1923 (courtesy of the DCM, Hawes). 

The Memorial Gates were erected by Mr. George Dougill & Sons, builders and contractors of Aysgarth. Five of George's children served in the conflict, four sons: Laurence VictorThomas Haxby, Wesley and William and daughter Ruth Vincent and can be viewed in the Roll of Honour. A dedication service for the memorial gates took place in October 1923.

Aysgarth Church Gate Pillar - Left side
















Church Gate Pillar, left hand-side (courtesy of warmememorialsonline)
















Aysgarth Church Gate Pillar - Right side

Church Gate Pillar, right hand-side (courtesy of warmememorialsonline)

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Aysgarth (77) known to have served in the Great War. Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text, therefore individual village totals of those who served have altered.

Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text.

         Rank             Christian Names   Surname      Regiment

           Private          John                          Ellener            Army Service Corps                                                                                                                   (Mechanical Transport)

           Gunner         William                     Ellener            Royal Garrison Artillery

           Nurse            Elizabeth                  Ewbank          Voulantary Aid Detachment

           Driver            Mark                         Hammond     Royal Garrison Artillery

           Private          John                           Routh              Army Service Corps  

           Nurse            Nellie                        Smorthwaite  Voulantary Aid Detachment

           Sergeant       Richard                     Thompson     Duke of Wellington's

                                                                                              (West Riding)

           Sergeant       Eric Thomas             Watson           W. Yorks

           Lieut., Col     Edmund                    Wray                Royal Marine L.I.


         Added to the above section.

© Thoralby Through Time


"BISHOPDALE extends in a southerly direction from 3 to 6 miles from Aysgarth, and consists only of a few scattered farm-houses. Lead is found in small quantities in this township. William Robinson Burrill-Robinson esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Col. John William Lodge J.P. William Purchas esq. and the Misses Purchas, of West Burton, and Geoffrey B.T. Metcalfe esq. of Lechlade, Glos. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, limestone and gravel; the chief crop is hay. The population in 1911 was 60, and the area is 4,428 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value, £2,131.


Letters arrive from Aysgarth at 8 a.m. 


Wall Letter Box cleared at 4 p.m. weekly days only.


Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), built in 1880, for 50 children; average attendance, 11, Miss Parry, mistress. (p.30)

Lodge Col. John William M.A., J.P. The Rookery



Close John, farmer, Ribba hall

Dinsdale William, farmer, Dale foot

Fawcett John Bryan, farmer, Scarr top 

Glendinning John, gamekeeper to  

 Col. J. W. Lodge J.P.

Heseltine John, farmer, New House Gill

Heseltine William, farmer Dale head

Lambert John, farmer, West New ho.

Raw William, farmer, Long Ridge

Sayer Francis, farmer, Myers garth

Waddell, farmer, Kidstones"


Bishopdale from Scarr Top
© Thoralby Through Time

Scar Top hill, Bishopdale, (courtesy of R. & M. Fawcett).

The Rookery Bridge, Bishopdale, (courtesy of F. & M.E. Snaith).

Rookery Bridge Repairs
© Thoralby Through Time
Peace Celebrations, The Rookery, Bishopdale 1919
© Thoralby Through Time

Peace Celebrations at The Rookery, Bishopdale, Saturday  19th July, 1919, (courtesy of the DCM, Hawes).

To celebrate and mark the end of World War One, a Bank Holiday was declared in Britain, ‘Peace Day, Saturday 19th July 1919.


See Thoralby, below for working parties for the war effort.

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Bishopdale (11) known to have served in the Great War. Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text, therefore individual village totals of those who served have altered.


Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text.

         Rank             Christian Names   Surname         Regiment

           Driver            James William          Fryer                 52nd Liverpool

           Gunner         Thomas                     Fryer                 Royal Garrison Artillery

           Private          John                           Glendinning     General Service Army                                                                                                               Veterinary Corps

           Private           Joseph                       Webster            Lancashire Fusiliers 

           Private           William                      Webster            Canadian Expedition Force 

           Added to the above section.






"BURTON-cum-WALDEN consists of the pleasant and well built village of West Burton and the straggling hamlet of Walden, and is 1½ miles south from Aysgarth station. Here is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. Fairs are held for cattle &c. on the 10th of March and 6th of May. Here is a pretty waterfall. The Grange, West Burton, is the residence of James Clarkson Winn esq. J.P. William Robinson Burril-Robinson esq. is lord of the manor; the trustees of the late James Moody esq. and J.C. Winn esq. J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil, limestone and gravel; the land is mostly pasture. The population of the township in 1911 was 314; the area is 7,622 acres of land and 30 of water, rateable value, 4,367.

WALDEN, which consists of a few scattered farmhouses, extends in a southerly direction from West Burton about 2 to 6 miles.

Walden Public Elementary School (mixed), for 40 children, average attendance, 13; Miss Ellen Lambert, mistress



Robinson Memorial School, erected in 1869, at the sole cost of the late H.T. Robinson esq. for 90 children; average attendance, 35; it was endowned by the late Mrs. Hudson, & is managed by a body of trustees, acting under the direction of the Education Committee of the County Council; Fred Ramsden, master.

Post, M.O. & T. Office, West Burton. - William Lawson, subpost-master.

Letters through Aysgarth arrive at 6.45 a.m. & dispatched at 5.30 p.m, sundays,8.10 a.m. ; dispatched; 4 p.m. (p.30)

© Thoralby Through Time


(Marked thus* should be addressed Leyburn, Yorks.)



Archibald Andrew Ross, Hill house

Bain George Washington

*Calvert Miss, Sorrelsykes park

Ewbank Misses

Fawcett Miss

*Gibson Edmund Wyatt, Hestholme

Hammond John, West Burton house

Irving Miss

Johnson Edward Banks

Johnson Thomas Christr. M.B., J.P.

Mawer Thomas

Peacock Mrs

Purchas Misses, Flanders hall (postal   address, Aysgarth)

Smith Francis Whaley, The Mount

Winn Jas. Clarkson J.P. The Grange


Abbott Jane (Mrs.) Black Bull P.H.

*Alderson Margaret (Mrs.) & Son,         farmers, Sorrelsykes farm 

Bagley William, farmer

Blades Robert, farmer

Brown Edward, butcher & farmer

Bushby John, saddler

Bushby William, gardener to J.C.     Winn esq

Capstick George William, farmer

Coates John & Sons, joiners

Coates Harold, general dealer

Crass Jeanie (Miss), aoartments

Elder Thomas Sidgwick, Fox &   Hounds P.H

Graham Edward, farmer

Hammond Walter, stone mason

Hartley Harry, boot & shoe dealer

Hemsley Wm. cycle agent & shopkpr

*Heseltine Christopher, farm bailiff

 to E.W. Gibson esq. Hestholme

Johnson Edward Banks, solicitor &   commissioner for oaths

Johnson Thomas Christopher M.B.,   C.M.Edin., J.P. surgeon

Lambert Thomas, frmr, Grange frm

Lancaster Charles, blacksmith

Lawson James & Son, grocers

Lawson Margaret Ellen (Mrs.), shop-   keeper

Lawson William Anthony, draper,   Post Office

Metcalfe William, farmer

Mudd Mary (Mrs.), dress maker

Nicholson Frank, joiner

Pratt Ralph Addison, druggist & grcr

*Raw William, farmer, Edgley

Reading Room (Walter Coates, sec)

Smithson George, farmer, Howrane

Spence Bernard & William, farmers

Spence John, farmer

Squance Thos. Hall Conradie, farmer

*Stubbs James, frmr. Adam Bottoms

Thwaite Thomas, farmer

Watson Christopher & Sons, farmers



Alderson William, farmer

Furnish John, farmer

Furnish Matthew, gamekeeper to J. C.   Winn esq. J.P.

Guy Henry, farmer

Lambert (Mrs.), farmer

Metcalfe, farmer

Metcalfe Richard, farmer

Spence Bernard, farmer

Stubbs Ernest, farmer

Thompson Robert, farmer

Thwaite Jane (Mrs.). farmer

Wilkinson Richard, farmer" (p.31)

West Burton village green
© Thoralby Through Time

Sheep on West Burton village green.

Cote Farm, Walden.

Walden, Cote Farm
© Thoralby Through Time

No.96                                                                                            DECEMBER, 1915                                                                       One Penny.

... "Mrs. Winn sends the following report of the West Burton working Party since the commencement of the year 1915, with grateful acknowledgement of the donations received.


Finished garments have been sent as follows, To the 4th Yorks.Regt.: 

To King's Own in Serbia:

To Serbia:

To 2nd Northumbrian Fusiliers: 

Received:- Mrs. Winn, £5; Mrs. Cummings, £1; Mr. Watson, 10s.; Mrs. Ramsden, 5s.; Mrs. Archer, 10s.; Mrs. Bagley, 2s.6d.; Mrs. W. Metcalfe, 5s.; Miss E. Metcalfe (Whiterow), 1s.; Mr. Gibson Smith, 10s.; Mrs. Johnson, 5s.; Mrs. J. Raw, 2s. 6d. Walden, per J. Furnish, £1 3s. 6d.; Mrs. Peacock, 10s.; Working Party, £5 12s. Total £16 16s. 6d. 

Materials bought: Shirting, £6 18s. 9½d.; Serge Flannel, £1 8s. 10½d.; Khaki Wool, £1 10s.; Grey Wool, 11s. 9d.; Shirting, 18s. 3½d.; for Coals, 3s. Shirting (in hand), £3 5s. 3d.; Wool, £1 18s. 6d. Total expenditure, £16 14s. 5½d. Balance in hand, 2s. 0½d.

No.                                                                                             DECEMBER, 1917                                                                         One Penny.

... "Mrs. Archer begs to thank all those who have so kindly helped at the Red Cross Sewing Meetings held at Sorrelsykes Park [see photo below] every Monday from May to October, also the children of Walden, Thoralby and Carperby who gathered and helped to pick the Sphaghnum Moss to make swabs for the wounded. "

"The above items have been sent to headquarters at Northallerton for distribution to the Yorkshire Regiments, and to Mrs. Cecil Garnett for the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the East Yorkshire Regiment; the swabs being sent to York."

Sorrelsykes Park, West Burton
© Thoralby Through Time

Sorrelsykes Park, home of Mrs Constace Emma Archer, commander of the Aysgarth V.A.D.'s and where the Red Cross, sewing meetings were held, courtesy of DCM, Hawes).

Below is a society photograph at Sorrelsykes Park, c.1917, including people who served in the Great War and many who undertook voluntary work and fund raising to support the war effort.

© Thoralby Through Time

Names known are: No. 2: Mrs. Constance Emma Archer, of Sorrelsykes Park, No. 3: Mr. James Clarkson Winn, the Grange, West Burton, No. 5: Col. John Wm. Lodge of the Rookery, Bishopdale, No.8: Mr. Harry Tunstill, of  Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust, No. 9: Mrs. Perfect, No.10: Dr. Will Pickles of Aysgarth,  No.11: Miss. Gertie Tunstill of Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust, No. 12: Canon William Kiteley Wyley of Aysgarth, No. 13: Miss. Mary Margaret Wyley, daughter of Canon Wyley, No. 14: Mrs. Annie Margaret Wyley, No. 15: Mrs. Jane Other Winn, the Grange West Burton, No.16: Mrs. Margaret Ecroyd Tunstill, Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust and No.17: Miss. Purchas, Flanders Hall, West Burton.

The names with the hyperlinks are on the Aysgarth Parish Roll of Honour.

The names of the people with red numbers next to them are not known, No.1, No.4, No. 6 and No.7If you recognise any of them, please contact me.

Below is the plaque to West Burton's fallen in West Burton Methodist Chapel.

West Burton's fallen, Methodist Chapel
© Thoralby Through Time
Names of the fallen, West Burton

The names of the fallen, West Burton.

West Burton's fallen in West Burton Methodist Chapel.

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Burton-cum-Walden (43) known to have served in the Great War.

Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text.

         Rank             Christian Names   Surname         Regiment

           Private          John Sayer                Horner             Durham Light Infantry 

           Private          Edward Rider           Thwaite            Devonshire Regiment 

           Driver            George                      Whitehead      Royal Field Artillery   


           Added to the above section.

© Thoralby Through Time


"CARPERBY-cum-THORSEBY is a township and village in Aysgarth parish, on the north side of the river Yore, or Ure, in Wensleydalle, about 1 mile north from Aysgarth station. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel and the Society of Friends have also a place of worship here. Lord Bolton, who is lord of Carperby manor, Sir Walter Clervaux Chaytor bart. of the Old Hall, Croft, Darlington, the trustees of the late William R. Wood sq. and Thomas Bradley esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is in general gravelly, consisting chiefly of meadow and pasture land. The acreage of the township, which included the hamlets of Thoresby, 1½ miles east from Aysgarth station, and Bear Park, half a mile north from Aysgarth village, is 4,884 acres of land and 34 of water; rateable value, £3,716. The population of Carperby with Thoresby in 1911 was 200

Post & T. Office (lettes should have Yorks added). - Frederick Chapman, sub-postmaster.

Letters arrive at 6 a.m.; dispatched at 6.20 p.m.; no sunday delivery.

Aysgarth is the nearest money order office

Public Elementary School, for 40 children; average attendance, 28; Miss Fisher, mistress (p.30)


Bradley Thomas, Bear park

Riches Miss, South avenue



Chapman Frederick, carver & asst-

 ant overseer, Post office

Close James, farmer, Chapel house

Croft James Carter, farmer

Foster William, farmer, Thorsby Grn

Harker Anthony, farmer

Holmes Ann (Mrs.), appartments

Killburn William, Wheat Sheaf hotel

Metcalfe Richard, farmer

Percival John, farmer

Percival John jun., farmer

Pickard John, monumental mason

Preston Robert, farmer

Raw Bryan, farmer

Raw Elzabeth (Moss), farmer

Raw Robert, farmer

Raw William, farmer, Thorsby

Robson Anthony, blacksmith & farmer

Scott Richard, farmer

Scott Thomas, mason

Spensley John, farmer, West Bolton

Storey Henry, farmer

Swain George, aprtmnts. Yore Croft

Tennant William, famer, Thorsby

Willis Margt. (Miss), frmr. Chapel ho

Willis Maria (Mrs.), farmer Manor ho

Willis Robert Thomas, farmer

Wiseman John Knowkles, joiner

Wiseman Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper" 


Carperby village school, courtesy of Clive Torrens
© Thoralby Through Time

The village school on the left and the market cross, in the centre of Carperby, (courtesy of Clive Torrens).

Children playing in the centre of Carperby, c.1914.

Children playing, Carperby village
© Thoralby Through Time
Carperby National School
© Thoralby Through Time

Carperby village school: the front porch was a later addition (courtesy of the DCM, Hawes).

The school children lining up to go inside. The two children on the green were watching, being too young to attend.  (Courtesy of the DCM, Hawes).

Carperby school children
© Thoralby Through Time

Carperby National School opened 1877 and closed in 1962. It is now a house.

Below is a transcription from Carperby School Log Book, which includes a letter from H.R.H. Prince of Wales,  Buckingham Palace, September 1914. Congratulating the children for their efforts towards the National Relief Fund. The aim of the Fund was to help support wives and dependants of soldiers and sailors, and those made unemployed due to the war.


The entry for 1915, shows a Belgian refugee was admitted to the village school. The UK was home to 250,000 Belgian refugees during World War One, the largest single influx in the country's history. 


"1914 - August 21st At. 27 96.42%. 

Children working very enthusiastically in odd minutes for National Relief Fund inaugurated by H.R.H. Prince of Wales [Edward, later King Edward VIII]. ...

September 11th Acknowledgement from H.R.H. Prince of Wales as follows:- 

                                                                                                                                                                           Buckingham Palace 10.9.14

"I am desired by the Prince of Wales to express H.R. Highness's sincere thanks for the donation of £15.12.3 which you have so generously given to the National Relief Fund."

                                        Your obedient servant,

                                         F.M. Ponsonby 

British School Carperby.


September 15th Copy of Letter from Treasurer to H.R.H. Prince of Wales.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Buckingham Palace

                                                                                                                                                                                             14th Sept., 1914

Miss M. Fisher, 

 N.D. School,

  Carperby S.O.



           I am desired by the Prince of Wales to thank you for your letter and to ask you to convey to the children of your school, and to all the subscribers His warmest thanks for their generous contribution of £15.12.3., to the National Relief Fund, and also for the beautifully made cushion worked with the children's names. His Royal Highness [thinks] that what you & the children have done reflects the greatest credit upon you all.

                                         I am, Madam.

                                                 Your Obedient Servant,


                                      Treasurer to H.R. Highness."

"1915 15th January  Felicie Van Sumsen a Belgian Refugee admitted.

24 present. ..." 

Transcribed from Carperby National School Log Book, (courtesy of NYCRO).

No.                                                                                            DECEMBER, 1917                                                                 One Penny.

... "Mrs. Archer begs to thank all those who have so kindly helped at the Red Cross Sewing Meetings held at Sorrelsykes Park every Monday from May to October, also the children of Walden, Thoralby and Carperby who gathered and helped to pick the Sphaghnum Moss to make swabs for the wounded. "

"The above items have been sent to headquarters at Northallerton for distribution to the Yorkshire Regiments, and to Mrs. Cecil Garnett for the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the East Yorkshire Regiment; the swabs being sent to York."

Below is a photograph of Carperby villages War Memorial, honouring the 6 men from the village who gave their lives during the Great War.

Carperby War Memorial

Carperby - War Memorial Names

Private Jack Gilbert HARKER

Private William Herbert KILBURN

Gunner Timothy PERCIVAL

Captain Albert Morton SENIOR

Private John SHANNON

Private Henry Armistead STOREY

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Carperby-cum-Thoresby (23) known to have served in the Great War. Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green texttherefore individual village totals of those who served have altered.

Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text.

         Rank             Christian Names   Surname      Regiment

          L/Corp.          John Thomas            Percival          King's Own Light Infantry


          Moved to Thoralby section see below.

© Thoralby Through Time


"NEWBIGGIN is situated in Bishopdale, 2 miles south from Aysgarth station and 10 south east from Hawes. William Robinson Burrill-Robinson esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Henry Robinson Chapman esq. the Misses Purchas and William Purchas esq. The area is 1,696 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value £1,334; the population in 1911 was 86.

Letters through Aysgarth arrive at 8 a.m. 


Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.50 p.m. week days only.


Council Non-Provided School, for 120 children; average attendance, 43; Miss Constance Mary Walker, mistress.


Carrier. - John William Heseltine, to Hawes, tues.; to Leyburn, fri. (p.30)


Brown James, tailor

Dinsdale John & James, farmers

Dinsdale William, farmer

Fawcett Ann (Mrs.) & Son, farmers

Fawcett Bryan, farmer

Fawcett John, farmer

Heseltine Thos. & John, stone masons

Heseltine John Wm. carrier & frmr

Heseltine Mary Jane (Mrs.), farmer

Metcalfe Edward, farmer

Sayer John, farmer, Mill Scaur

Thwaite Felix, farmer, West Lane ho.

Thwaite Richard, Street Head P.H. &  farmer

Webster Michael, Heifer inn, & farmer"


Newbiggn, Bishopdale
© Thoralby Through Time

The hamlet of Newbiggin, the eastern end.

The Street Head Inn, Newbiggin, landlord in 1913: Richard Thwaite.

Street Head,  Newbiggin, 1936
© Thoralby Through Time
Cross Lanes School, Newbiggin
© Thoralby Through Time

Cross Lanes School was attended by children from Thoralby and Newbiggin. Miss Constance Mary Walker was the headmistress in 1913.

Founded in 1742, Cross Lanes School closed in 1964 and is now a bunkhouse.


Under the direction of the Thoralby and Newbiggin Working Party for the First World War, the children of Cross Lanes School undertook work for the war effort, which included sewing and knitting (see below).

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Newbiggin (7) know to have served in the Great War. 

© Thoralby Through Time


"THORALBY is pleasantly situated in Bishopdale 2 miles south east from Aysgarth station and 10 miles south-east-by-east from Hawes. There are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels and a reading-room and library erected in 1887. Here also is a fine waterfall, called the "Silver Chain Force". William Robinson Burrill-Robinson esq. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are William Purchas esq., of West Burton, Col. John William Lodge J.P. of Bishopdale, Robert Sadler esq. of Birkdale, Southport and W.R. Burill-Robinson esq. The acreage is 2,857 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value, £2,169; the population in 1911 was 178

Post Office - Mrs. Anne Jane Webster, postmistress.


Letters arrive from Aysgarth at 7.25 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m. ; sundays, 7.10 a.m.; dispatched 4.25 p.m. Aysgarth, 1¼ miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office.


The Children attend the school at Newbiggin (Cross las) (p. 30)

Sadler Misses, High Green house


Beckwith Elizh. (Mrs.) George inn

Calvert Christopher, farmer, Gayle Ing 

Coates James, farmer

Coates William, farmer

Cowperthwaite John William, farmer

Dinsdale Francis Spence, farmer

Dinsdale John, farmer

Dinsdale Thomas, farmer

Dinsdale William, boot maker

 [My  Great Grandfather, Holmeside]

Fawcett Elizabeth & Jane (Misses),   apartments, Littleburn

Furnish Francis, farmer

Gould Geo. frmr, & aparts. Warnford

Haw James Lamb, boot & shoe maker &   insurance agent

Hemsley Ralph, farmer

Heseltine James, farmer

Heseltine Jeffrey, How Syke

Heseltine Matthew, farmer, Swine cote

Heseltine Matthew, farmer

Lambert Francis, farmer

Reading Room (Michael Webster,   treasurer)

Routh Richard, farmer

Sayer Thomas, corn miller (water)

Spence John, jun. farmer

Webster Ann Jane (Mrs,), shopkeeper,  Post office

Webster Septimus, farmer, Heaning

Willis Matthew H. & Sons, registered  shoeing smiths

Willis Alice Ann (Miss), shopkeer

Willis Jane (Mrs.) aparts Stanley ho.

Willis William, joiners"  (p. 31)

Thoralby village green, Wesleyan Chapel and Bootmakers shop
© Thoralby Through Time

Thoralby village green, Wesleyan Chapel and James Lamb Haw: Northampton House, Boot and Shoemakers.

Thoralby village shop, Post Office: Mrs Ann Jane Webster, postmistress and Reading Room, Michael Webster, treasurer.

Thoralby Shop, P.O. & Reading Room
© Thoralby Through Time

No.                                                                                            APRIL, 1915                                                                                    One Penny.

... "The following is a list of war work done by the Children of the Cross Lanes School, which speaks greatly to their credit: - "

"Through the kind generosity of Miss Sadler, workers at Thoralby have made and sent to Lady French, [see table below], which have been acknowledged "with many thanks for the most kind and generous contribution."

No.                                                                                            SEPTEMBER, 1916                                                                           One Penny.

... "The following is a list of war work done by the Children of the Cross Lanes School, which speaks greatly to their credit: -"

Thoralby and Newbiggin Working Party for the War Effort, Balance Sheet, Receipts, Expenditure and Garments made (courtesy of Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes).

The above table shows that the larges receipt of income was from the proceeds of a Jumble Sale, which raised £22 11s. 9d. almost half of their income of £41.14s. 4d.

The above table shows that the largest expenditure was to G. Gould of £24 7s. d. for Shirting, Wool etc. , over half the total expenditure. George Gould (1845-1926) resided at Warnford, Thoralby and was a drapery traveller and farmer, he also had his three sons: Albert Edward; John Mills and George Sydney serving in the forces, the last two losing their lives. It is also interesting to see that advertising was considered important as 4 shillings was spent on Posters. Perhaps the most interesting item is to: Riley and Sons, Dressing Gown for Nurse Heseltine. Mary Heseltine (known as May), was now obviously serving overseas, not just at Thornton Lodge, Asygarth, where she started her nursing career, under the local G.P. Dr. Pickles, who by 1916 was also serving overseas, in Egypt. No doubt the dressing gown was a comfort from home!

The above table shows that 360 garments were made, the shirts proving very popular, with only one being left in hand. These knitting parties were held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Thoralby (see image below), as the village hall was not converted until 1953. The Lieutenant Jaques, in France was Leonard Jaques, Junr., (1878-1921) born at Warnford.

Thoralby, Primitive Methodist Chapel
© Thoralby Through Time

The Primitive Methodist Chapel, Thoralby where knitting parties for the great war effort were held, by the 'Thoralby and Newbiggin Working Party'. 

Thoralby Primitive Methodist Chapel was founded in 1849 and closed as a place of worship in 1932, however it was used during the Second World War for 'knitting parties' as it had previously been used during the Great War. It is now used as a farm building.

No. 117.                                                                                   SEPTEMBER, 1917                                                                         One Penny.

... "The following is a list of war work done by the Children of the Cross Lanes School, which speaks greatly to their credit: - "

"The above woolen articles were knitted by the girls and boys in connection with the Thoralby Working Party and Mrs Archer's Red Cross Working Party. 

During 1916 - Concert for Red Cross, £6 14s. Money and eggs were collected for the Wounded Soldiers and Subscriptions sent to the Jack Cornewell Memoral Fund. 4lb of dandelion roots were collected and dried and sent to a medical herb centre.  And the School Garden promises a good crop of potatoes."


"Many thanks to the School Children who have collected chestnuts to the amount of about half-a-cwt. Also to those who have sent waste paper, - about 2 cwt. has been collected.

No.                                                                                             DECEMBER, 1917                                                                         One Penny.

... "Mrs. Archer begs to thank all those who have so kindly helped at the Red Cross Sewing Meetings held at Sorrelsykes Park every Monday from May to October, also the children of Walden, Thoralby and Carperby who gathered and helped to pick the Sphaghnum Moss to make swabs for the wounded." 

The above items have been sent to headquarters at Northallerton for distribution to the Yorkshire Regiments, and to Mrs. Cecil Garnett for the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the East Yorkshire Regiment; the swabs being sent to York.

Below is a photograph of the war memorial for Thoralby and District (Bishopdale & Newbiggin), who gave theri lives in the Great War.

Thoralby & District War Memorial Plaque
Thoralby Village Hall

Thoralby and District Great War Memorial plaque, the Village Hall, Thoralby

© Thoralby Through Time

Thoralby Village Hall, converted in 1953 as a 'living memorial' to the dead of the Great War.

For more details about the conversion and opening on the hall see Thoralby Village Hall.

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Thoralby (36) known to have served in the Great War. Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green texttherefore individual village totals of those who served have altered.

Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text.

         Rank             Christian Names   Surname      Regiment

           ?                    John William (Bill)     Atkinson       ?

          Lead. Sea.    James                          Carr               Royal Navy

          Gunner         Francis (Frank)          Heseltine      Royal Garrison Artillery   

          Trooper        Thomas Coulton       Jaques           Royal Household Cavalry  

           L/Corp.         John Thomas            Percival         King's Own Light Infantry

           Bomb.          Matthew Willis          Webster        Royal Field Artillery

           Lieut.            Michael Harold         Webster        W. Yorks

           Gnr.              Matthew                     Willis             Royal Field Artillery



           Added to Thoralby section see above.

© Thoralby Through Time


"THORNTON RUST is a small township and village in the parish of, and 2 miles west from Aysgarth, and 7 miles east from Hawes. Here is a Mission Room and a small Calvinist Chapel. The kennels of the Wensleydale harriers are at Thornton Hall. The principal landowners are Messrs. Chapman and Wiiliam Bell esq. The area is 1,931 acres of land and 10 of water; rateable value, £1,875; the population in 1911 was 112.

Letters Box cleared at 5 p.m.


Public Elementary School, Thornton Rust, for 30 children; average attendance 11; Miss Ethel Armitage, mistress (p. 30)


Armitage Rev. William (Calvinist)

Chapman John, sen

Chapman John, jun., Thornton hall

Mercer Henry, Stone house

Tunstill Harry, Thornton lodge


Chapman James, sen, farmer & land-   owner

Cockburn Henry, farmer

Cockburn John, shoe ma. & farmer

Cockburn William, farmer

Dent Thomas, farmer

Graham William, gardener to H.

 Tunstill esq

Hammond Mark, farmer, Low Gill

Johnson Richd. S., farmer, Hawthorns

Metcalfe George, farmer

Metcalfe James, farmer

Metcalfe James, mason

Richardson Thomas, farmer

Robinson William, huntsman to 

 Wensleydale Harriers

Sayer John, gamekeeper to H. Tun-

 still esq

Smith James, farmer

Storey James, gamekeeper to Messrs.

 Chapman & Bell

Thwaite John, farmer, Throstlenest

Wensleydale Harriers (J.Chapman, 

 jun. master; A.W. King hon.

 sec.); kennels, Thornton Hall"


Thornto Hall, Thornton Rust c.1906
© Thoralby Through Time

The Hall, Thornton Rust, home

of John Chapman Junr. in 1913

The Manor House, Thornton Rust, (courtesy of Clive Torrens).

The Manor House, Thornton Rust, c. of Clive Torrens
© Thoralby Through Time
Thornton Lodge, being built by George Doughill  & Sons, 1909
© Thoralby Through Time

Thornton Lodge, being built by George Dougill & Sons, builders & contractors of Aysgarth. George and 30 workmen, can be seen in the photograph opposite, (courtesy of Vanessa Kilvington).

Many of the Doughill family can be seen in the Roll of Honour and probably most of the young men in the photograph.

Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust, 1920s (courtesy of Vanessa Kilvington).

Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust, 1920s
© Thoralby Through Time
Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust, from the air
© Thoralby Through Time

Thornton Lodge, Thornton Rust, from the air, (courtesy of Vanessa Kilvington).

Built by Harry Tunstill c.1909, as a country retreat for his family from his cotton mills in Burnley. Now a Hotel.

Thornton Rust War Memorial Plaque

A plaque on the gable commemorates

the war dead.

Thornton Rust Village Hall, c. of Clive Torrens
© Thoralby Through Time

Thornton Rust village hall, erected as a First World War

memorial in 1924, the plaque above the door can be seen on the left, (courtesy of Clive Torrens).

 See Aysgarth, above for working parties for the war effort.

Below are images from the Order of Service on Remembrance Sunday 2018 at Aysgarth Church, the following lists all those form Thornton Rust (20) known to have served in the Great War. Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green texttherefore individual village totals of those who served have altered.

Additional information since the Festival of Remembrance in 2018 has been added to the site and is in green text.

         Rank             Christian Names   Surname      Regiment

          Private           Joseph Powell          Hammond     Northumbrian Fusiliers


           Added to Thornton Rust section see above.

© Thoralby Through Time

Below is a list of servicemen who are also remembered in St. Andrew's Parish Church, Aysgarth.


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