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Deaths and burials -
Aysgarth Parish - Deaths and Burials (1921-1963) AYS/PR 1/19?
These records were transcribed and typed by Marian Kirby, Aysgarth (Jan 2003). Records courtesy of The Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes.
Below is a transcript of the deaths and burials transcripts in tabular form. The 'Search' box at the top right hand corner can be used to find a surname, christian name, age, abode, or other element.
* 1922 Dec 7 Elizabeth Ann Heseltine 73 Howsyke, Bishopdale, shoud be Howsyke, Thoralby.
* 1925 Oct 3 Jeffrey Heseltine 79 How Syke, Bishopdale, should be How Syke, Thoralby.
* 1948 May 10 Catherine Shaw Fawcett 81 New House, Bishopdale, should be New House Newbiggin.
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