T. Bulmer & Co.
(Courtesy of the Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes)
"Wapentake and Petty Sessional Division of Hang West - Electoral Division and Poor Law Union of Aysgarth - County Court of District Leyburn - Rural Deanery of West Catterick - Archdeanery of Richmond - Diocese of Ripon.
This is an extensive parish, surpassing in magnitude any other in the North Riding. It stretches from the borders of Sedbergh and Westmorland eastward, to the vicinity of Redmire and West Witton, a distance of 18 miles occupying the upper part of the beautiful valley of Wensleydale. Its average breadth is about six miles, and its total area 81,012 acres, an extent considerably more than the half of the whole county of Rutland. These were the limits of the ancient parish of Aysgarth, which comprised the township of Aysgarth, High and Low Abbotside, Askrigg, Bainbridge, Bishopdale, Burton-cum-Walden, Carperby-cum-Thoresby, Hawes, Newbiggin, Thoraldby, and Thornton Rust, which still form the civil parish; but for ecclesiastical purposes the district has been sub-divided, and the jurisdiction of the ancient mother church extends only over the townships of Aysgarth, Bishopdale, Burton-cum-Walden, Carperby, Newbiggin, Thoraldby and Thornton Rust. ...
The whole district is full of beautiful and varied scenery - elevated moorlands and clumps of woodland intermingling with fertile dales - while down the hillsides pour numerous mountain torrents, which look like streams of molten silver, when viewed from afar, as they rush down the steep declivities, or roaring with noise are precipitated over rocky ledges that vainly impede their onward course. ...
The village of Aysgarth is a quaint straggling little place, overlooked by a bleak hill, in the south bank of the Yore or Ure, five miles E. by S. of Askrigg, and eight miles W. by S. of Leyburn. On an eminence about three-quarters of a mile from the village is the parish church (St. Andrew), originally built in the reign of Henry III., but restored in the time of Henry VIII., by Adam Sedbergh, the last abbot of Jervaulx, to which the monastery the rectory was appropriated. It was almost wholly rebuilt in 1866, the tower and the columns of the nave being the only portion of the former edifice that were retained in the reconstruction. The beautiful old rood-screen and loft were renovated at the same time. These elaborate carvings are supposed by some writers to have been brought from the Abbey of Jervaulx, and part of the abbot's stall from the same church now forms the prayer desk. An elegant brass eagle lectern was presented by the congregation, and in 1880 a fine-toned organ was added. ...
In the village are chapels belonging to the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists, and a Meeting House belonging to the Society of Friends. The National School, erected by subscription in 1837, is endowed with the rent of a field left by Chris Tomlinson Esq., and now let at £6 per. annum. (pp.332-334) ...
UNION WORKHOUSE (for Aysgarth Union): Chairman of the Board of Guardians, J.C. Winn,
Esq., J.P., C.C., The Grange, West Burton; George Whitton, master; Mrs. Elizth. Whitton,
matron; Clerk to the Guardians, Wm. E.M. Winn, solicitor, Askrigg; Relieving Officer and
Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths for Askrigg District, E. Chapman, Worton. (p.349)
BISHOPDALE township, comprising 4, 791 acres, includes a considerable portion of the valley of that name, containing some of the richest meadow land in the county. Among the hills which bound the dale on either side are numerous waterfalls, some of great height and beauty. The dale is supposed to have been at a very early period, probably during the Saxon age, the property of the Archbishops of York. In Leland's time [1538-43] this chase belonged to the king, and "yn the hillies about hit there were redde deer." The principal proprietors of the soil are the trustees of H.T. Robinson, Thomas Metcalfe, W. Purchas, and J.W. Lodge, Esquires.
The township is valued, for rateable purposes, at £2,398, and contains eighty-seven inhabitants, who reside in the scattered farmhouses. The far-famed Wensleydale cheese is manufactured here. (p.342)
BURTON WITH WALDEN township occupies the lower ends of the vales of Bishopdale and Walden, and comprises an area of 7,600 acres. Its rateable value is £4,500, and its population, according to the last census, 444, The manor of Burton-with-Walden, which also includes the townships of Aysgarth, Thoralby, Newbiggin, and Bishopdale, belongs to the trustees of Henry Thomas Robinson, and the following are the principal landowners:- exors. of the Misses Moody, Leyburn; Major Costobadie; W. R. King, senior, Esq., Ferriby; Mrs. E. R. Hutton, Sorrelsykes; James Clarkson Winn, Esq., J.P., West Burton; exors. of T. F. R. Hammond; James Pilkington, Esq., J.P., Swinithwaite Hall; and the Rev. Dr. Wray.
The village of West Burton is pleasantly situated between the Bishopdale and Walden becks, about six miles E.S.E. of Askrigg. It was once a market town, and still boasts its ancient octagonal market cross and the remains of the old wooden stocks. The market has long been obsolete, but Fairs are still held on March 10th and May 6th for horses, cattle, and sheep. The Wesleyan Methodists and the Independents have chapels in the village, the former erected about the year 1813, and the latter in 1851, at a cost of £350.
A good stone building was erected in 1748 for a free school, at a cost of £80, left by John Sadler, a native of the village. He also endowed it with an annual rent-charge of £16, payable out of a certain estate, but in consequence of some legal informality in the devise, the payment was discontinued in 1793, and the school house was afterwards appropriated by an inhabitant to his own use. The present school was erected in 1873, by the late H. T. Robinson and his sister, the late Mrs. Hudson, and was by them endowed with £500 for the education of the children of the township. It is licensed for divine service, which is held every Sunday afternoon by the vicar of Aysgarth.
Walden embraces the narrow vale of the Walden beck, which stretches southwards from West Burton between lofty moors and fells, attaining, in some places, an elevation of 1,700 or 1,800 feet.
The poor of the township have a close, purchased with £50, left by one Metcalfe; and a piece of land in Aysgarth, purchased with £40, left by John Lupton, in 1784. They have also a rent-charge of 10s. per annum, and the interest of £30, left by Elizabeth Whiting, in 1756, for apprenticing poor children.
Post, Money Order Office, and Savings Bank, West Burton; William Lawson, postmaster. Letters arrive via Bedale and Aysgarth station, at 9-40 am., and are despatched at 4-20 p.m. No delivery on Sunday.
(Letters for Sorrelsykes, Hestholme, and Edgley arrive via West Witton.)
NEWBIGGIN township, comprising 1,683 acres, is situated between Bishopdale and Walden beck, and consists chiefly of high moorlands, in which led ore is found. The principal landowners are the trustees of H.T. Robinson (lords of the manor); Wm. Purchas, Esq., West Burton; R. Chapman, Esq., Leyburn; Exors. of R. Lodge, Esq., Bishopdale; Mrs. E. Ryder Hammond, and Mr. S. Thwaite. Rateable value, £1,600, and population, 104. The village is situated about 6 miles S.E. of Askrigg. (p.345)
THORALBY township (2,840 acres) is situated between Aysgarth and Bishopdale. The lordship was formerly held by the citizens of London, from whom it was conveyed in 1661, to Major Thornton of St. Nicholas', near Richmond. The manorial rights now belong to the trustees of Hy. T. Robinson, who was also one of the principal landowners. The following also have estates here, viz.: Robt. Sadler, exors. of Robt. Lodge, Rev. 0. Sadler, Wm. Purchas, Sept. Sadler, and Leonard Jacques.
The village of Thoralby (the by, or town of Thorald) is pleasantly situated on the north-east side of Bishopdale, about five miles from Askrigg. There was formerly a chantry chapel here, founded by Maria de Neville, Lady of Middleham, in 1316, for the benefit of her own soul, and those of her father and mother, and of Robert de Neville, her late husband, and their ancestors and heirs. It was suppressed with the other chantries by Edward VI., and its revenues seized for royal use. The place where it stood is still known as Chapel Close. The Wesleyans erected a small chapel here in 1823, but this will shortly be superseded by a new one, now in course of erection, at a cost of £350. The Primitive Methodist chapel dates from 1849. A Reading Room was erected in 1887, at a cost of £150, as a useful and permanent commemoration of Her Majesty's Jubilee.
Littleburn House, an ancient mansion near the village, but now a farmhouse, was for some time the residence of the Lords Rokeby; and on a bridge, leading to the house, is an elegant Latin inscription from the pen of the fourth Lord Rokeby, who, whilst resident here, published a drama, entitled "John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough," which was printed at Leyburn. Edgeley was formerly the property and seat of Matthew Robinson, Esq., father of Mrs. Elizabeth Montague, a lady of extraordinary talents and conversational powers. In 1769 she published "An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare," in answer to the objections of Voltaire, which obtained a great and deserved reputation, and still ranks with the best illustrations of the transcendent powers of the "immortal bard." She formed a literary society, which held its meetings in her house in London, and was nick-named the "Blue Stocking Club," from the circumstance that one of the gentlemen members always exhibited a preference for that colour in his hosiery. She assisted Lord Lyttleton in the composition of his "Dialogues of the Dead"; but it was in epistolary correspondence that Mrs. Montague particularly excelled, far surpassing her namesake, the Lady Mary Wortley Montague. She had her little crotchets and peculiarities, which she exhibited in various ways. One was a dinner which she gave every May-day to the chimney-sweepers of London, to commemorate the fact of her husband's kinsman, Edward Wortley Montague, having been for some time, during the wild period of his youth, a chimney-sweeper. She died at Denton Hall, near Newcastle, in 1800, at a very advanced age.
In the hills, near the village, is a very fine waterfall, called, from the adjacent farm, "The Heaning," but sometimes, and more poetically, named "Silver Chain Force." It consists of a succession of seven cataracts, formed by the Haw beck within a length of 200 yards, each fall constituting a link in the chain.
CHARITIES. - The poor of Thoralby and Newbiggin receive the rent of 4½ acres of land, left by one Butterfield; the interest of £3 6s. 8d., left by James Hammond; an annuity of 20s., left by Charles Robinson; and a yearly rent-charge of 20s., bequeathed by a person named Harrison. (pp.345-346)
Post Office; Ann Jane Webster, postmistress. One despatch daily at 4-10 p.m.; one delivery daily at 10-5 a.m. Letters arrive via Aysgarth Station from Bedale. No delivery on Sunday.
Dent Mrs. Ann, Heaning hall
Dinsdale Thomas, tailor, Low Green House
Fawcett Jas., farmer and vict., Volunteer Inn
Haw James Lamb, boot and shoe dealer
Heseltine Alice, apartments
Heseltine Matt., farmer and vict., George Inn
Metcalfe Mr. Robert
Nicholson Ellen, grocer
Sadler Mrs. Jane, Town Head house
Sadler The Misses, High Green house
Sayer Francis and Thomas, millers
Sayer Mr. John
Tomlinson James, boot and shoe maker
Webster Ann Jane, grocer and postmistress
Willis Jane, draper and grocer
Willis Matthew Heseltine and Son (John), blacksmiths
Willis Wm. and Jas., joiners and wheelwrights
Lodge John William, Esq., The Rookery
Percival Robert, gamekeeper, West Newhouse
Dent William, Ribbahill farm
Dixon Matthias, Kidstones
Fawcett Rowland, Longridge
Foster William, Myresgarth farm
Fryer George, New Gill farm
Heseltine Jeffrey, Dalefoot house
Heseltine William, East Howgill farm
Stamp Edward, West Howgill farm
Wilcock (Robert) & Hully (William), Scarr Top farm
Brown James, tailor and draper
Redmayne Mr. John
Thwaite Richard, cattle dealer
Thwaite Simon, farmer and vict., Street Head Inn
Webster Rebecca, farmer and vict., Spotted Cow
Bushby Henry
Dent Richard Lord
Dinsdale Francis Spence, senr. (and overseer)
Dinsdale Francis Spence, junr.
Fawcett Robert
Heseltine John
Heseltine Thomas, Lane house
Lambert Francis, Town Head house
Lambert Matthew (and grocer)
Metcalfe Jeremiah
Sayer John, Mill Scarr house
Webster Joseph (and cattle dealer), Lane house
Miscellany of trades
Bushby William & Son, saddlers
Hammond J., articled clerk, West Burton house
Hammond W., builder and monumental mason
Hemsley William, senr., cooper
Hemsley Wm., junr., joiner and cabinet maker
Hewgill Mrs. Ann, Temple house
Hutton Mrs. Emma Rebecca, Sorrelsykes park
Irving William, joiner and shopkeeper
Johnson Edward Banks, solicitor
Johnson Thomas Christopher, surgeon
King William Robinson, solicitor
Lawson J. (W. Lawson & Sons), Valley house
Lawson Thomas (W. Lawson & Sons), and assistant overseer
Lawson William & Sons, grocers, butter merchants, &c., Post Office
Metcalfe James & John, butchers and farmers
Mudd Alexander, shoemaker
Mudd Mary, dressmaker
Pickard Joseph, draper and farmer & vict., Fox and Hounds
Pratt William & R. A., druggists and grocers
Purchas William, Esq., Flanders hall
Pybus Mr. John, Mill Hill house
Randall William, gentleman, Hestholme
Sadler Mr. Septimus
Weatherall Alfred Joseph, schoolmaster
White Elizabeth Jane, vict., Black Bull Inn
Winn James Clarkson, Esq., J.P. and C.C., commissioner of the income tax, chairman of Board of Guardians for Aysgarth Union, and director of Swaledale and Wensleydale Banking Company, The Grange
Bell John, Bridge end
Capstick Robert Dinsdale, Townhead house
Coates George
Court William, Hestholme
Cradock Thomas, Cowsengill farm
Dinsdale John, Forlands farm
Dinsdale Stephen, Walden head
Dixon Edmund, Chapel green
Fawcett William, Cote farm
Furnish John, Walden head
Graham Edward
Harker William, Howraine
Johnson Charles, Rutingill farm
King Thomas Firbank (land agent and surveyor, and agent to the Queen Insurance Co.), Edgley
Lambert Thomas, Rose cottage
Metcalfe John, Dubb Scarr
Metcalfe Richard, White row
Metcalfe William (and joiner)
Metcalfe William, Sorrelsykes park
Rider Francis Henry
Rider James
Routhe Thomas, Nell bank
Scott Jane, Haw farm
Smithson John, Adam bottoms
Spence Barnett, Hilltop farm
Spence John, Ashes farm
Thwaite James, Riddings farm
Webster Francis, Walden head
Webster Jos., Newhouse farm
Webster Robert, Cross farm
Bolland Edward, Riddings farm
Coates Thomas and James
Dent Leonard, Gayling farm
Fawcett John, Spickels farm
Fawcett Thomas, Littleburn house
Furnish Ann
Heseltine Matthew, Swineycoate farm
Heseltine Robert
Jacques Leonard, Warnford cottage
Johnson John and Son (James), Heaning hall
Mason William
Metcalfe Thomas, Cotebottom farm
Metcalfe William, Blindsyke farm
Routh Richard, Town head
Sarginson John, Hallgarth
Scott John, Barker farm
Thwaite Hannah and Son (Thomas)
Thwaite Richard, Howsyke farm
Waller James, Chapel house
Watson Christopher, Town Head farm
Webster Michael
Webster Septimus (and cheesemonger) "