1871 Census Returns:
Sunday 2nd April
Enumeration District 10 Folios 96-98, Enumerator: Thomas Broderick.
National Archive (Reference: Piece TNA RG 10/4870)
The whole of the Township of Newbiggin, including the village of Newbiggin, Street Head, East Lane House & West Lane House. The following was recorded about each person: forename and surname; relationship to head of house; condition; marital status; age (separate columns for males and females); occupation; where born; county/place; name of street, place or road, and name and number or number of house and whether blind, deaf-and-dumb, imbecile or idiot, lunatic.
The whole of the Township of Newbiggin contained 113 inhabitants, of whom 64 were male and 49 were female. There were 27 houses, of which 25 were occupied and 2 were unoccupied.
Below is a transcript of the census return in tabular form. The 'Search' box at the top right hand corner can be used to find a surname, house name, occupation, birthplace or other element.