1841 Census Returns:
Sunday 26th June
Enumeration District 6; Folios 1-5; Enumerator: Michael Heseltine.
National Archives (Reference: HO 107/1252/6)
The table below contains all the data from the census returns for the whole of the Township of Bishopdale. The following information was recorded about each person: forename and surname; age (rounded down to the nearest five years for those aged 15 or over); sex; occupation; whether they were born in the county where they were enumerated (Y or N) or whether they were born in Scotland (S), Ireland (I) or Foreign Parts (F). An address was also shown for each household but house numbers were rarely given and there was often only the name of the village or hamlet. The number in the first column is not a house number, but a sequential number for each household that has been added to make it easier to identify where each family begins and ends. The last column contains the folio and page number in the original census returns.
The Township of Bishopdale contained 107 inhabitants, of whom 55 were male and 52 female, and 16 houses, of which one was uninhabited.
Below is a transcript of the census return in tabular form. The 'Search' box at the top right hand corner can be used to find a surname, house name, occupation or other element.